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Posts posted by D.C

  1. i have this tune lingering in my ear for a while. i heard it on a mixtape by a local dj.

    it just has this heavy tune that i can´t get rid of in my head. :unsure:

    on the cover of the tape the song is called "r.a." by "Rhule Ave."

    but i´m getting kinda crazy because i can´t find it anywhere, nore via google neither via a file sharing program.

    so is there anybody out there in the community to help me out with this one?

    i would really really appreciate it.



  2. here in germany i couldnt find any dealer or shop... so i have to order it via internet and theres only one internet shop that is offering them.

    but ive got a very cool dealer for rockford. i bought my T2 there and the dealer selled it much much cheaper to me.

    so i dont know what to do, the XXX`s would be better but for rockford ive got a very cool dealer......

    greetz D.C

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