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Posts posted by adam6604

  1. im looking at 1 or 2 batteries, looked at kinetik and XS Power but thats expensive.

    so i was thinking what about some optimas? whats the difference between blue,yellow and red?

    i can get deals through Napa with where my dad works, so i'll see if they have those, but i know optima is pretty cheap what do ya'll think? im running 1700rms @ 2 ohms with very little trouble on stock electrical

  2. you have to look used then, the only ones i found under 400$ that was around 2krms @ 2 ohms was the Hifonics BRZ 2400.1D ( 1700rms, which i bought ) for like 300$..the power acoustic STAX 5500 which doesnt do rated so who knows. and every other one was pushing 450$+

  3. good luck something doing 2k @ 2 ohms or .5 ohms for 175 haha, i couldnt find anything under 500 that does 2k RMS @ 2 ohms.. and not many amps at .5 ohm stable.. if they are, they aren't much less then 400$ i think your outta luck . lol

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