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Posts posted by toadking90

  1. THIS will keep you under budget and give you room to expand later on down the road if you want.

    EDIT: There's also THIS one if you need a wiring kit too.

    EDIT 2: Just go to AudioSavings because they have a bunch of killer deals in your price range.

    Hey I am just courious the mb quart that you posted in its description it says features at 1ohm 1500 but under specifications it says 1ohm 2000.

    Am I missing something? Just thought I'd ask

  2. Damn, 5 years? How's it feel to have the name of one of the biggest car audio forums around?

    feels pretty good and im very thankful that so much talent hangs out here too........you guys fully contribute to my success and hopefully some of what you see here contributes to yours! I know some kids literally grew up here and are now grown men. Some dont realize how quickly they went from nothing to something, from newb to pretty damn experienced. I enjoy growing and watching others do the same. I like having a place like this for sure! Thanks again! 8)

    its because of this guy we are here. his site isnt just one of the biggest but he himself is. walk into any car audio shop and ask if they know anything about steve meade. if they say nothing then they aren't legit. congrats man dont stop now. we are ready for another build.

  3. now just so you know lol im still new too but to me daisy chained is just when you run rcas through one to another not linking them together or making one a slave.

    but this is the one i was thinking. its 2400 at one ohm so it saves you from having 47 amps and they have output rca things. and at 400 bucks it would only be 800 ? maybe and i have its little brother the 1700 and i love it i played mine for prob 2 hours HARD one night and it only got a little warm. just a thought

  4. i recently picked up the clarion eq off sonicelectronics its only 60 bucks and has a 6 volt output with 7 band equalizer.


    has a front back and sub out with an aux in space too. love it to death makes a world of difference.

    se that would work, im looking at getting somethign like that anyway, but i need somethign that will split one source to 4 amps

    why are you splitting it into 4? and since the output voltage is so high from the eq you could put a splitter in there and not notice to much.

    but just watch your amp. some amps cant take higher voltages. i know massive audio cant. just know your amp

    Well, what i was planning on doing was 4 18" subs and 4 AQ1200 to them one to each, therefor splitting into 4 is nescissary. i was gonna do 2 AQ3500 but its almost 500$ cheaper to do the 4 1200's

    those can be daisy chained

  5. i recently picked up the clarion eq off sonicelectronics its only 60 bucks and has a 6 volt output with 7 band equalizer.


    has a front back and sub out with an aux in space too. love it to death makes a world of difference.

    i do like the look of that EQ.

    i did hear that when setting up the planet audio the adjustment for clip was difficult to get just right. how was this when you set it up?

    was super easy just taped some wires from radio. plugged in rcas and started tuning. really nice too i love it.

    awesome. this will prolly be the one i buy. so ill ninja your eq from you


  6. i recently picked up the clarion eq off sonicelectronics its only 60 bucks and has a 6 volt output with 7 band equalizer.


    has a front back and sub out with an aux in space too. love it to death makes a world of difference.

    se that would work, im looking at getting somethign like that anyway, but i need somethign that will split one source to 4 amps

    why are you splitting it into 4? and since the output voltage is so high from the eq you could put a splitter in there and not notice to much.

    but just watch your amp. some amps cant take higher voltages. i know massive audio cant. just know your amp

  7. i recently picked up the clarion eq off sonicelectronics its only 60 bucks and has a 6 volt output with 7 band equalizer.


    has a front back and sub out with an aux in space too. love it to death makes a world of difference.

    i do like the look of that EQ.

    i did hear that when setting up the planet audio the adjustment for clip was difficult to get just right. how was this when you set it up?

    was super easy just taped some wires from radio. plugged in rcas and started tuning. really nice too i love it.

  8. i weigh less than you do and i have two on my bicep. they feel like a hot cat scratch. but be warned.

    THEY ARE ADDICTING! i have been wanting to go back for another big one to cover half my other bicep since i got out the chair the second time. forearm wouldnt be bad. just make sure you dont mind the drawing. either do that part yourself or have them do it. but do not settle for whatever they give you the first time. have somebody draw it about 47 times and pick the parts out of several you like. good luck and do not have somebody do it in the home.

  9. i have had the evo for almost a year. will be a year in june got mine when they first came out. i love it however when i jailbroke mine it has started acting weird... i am going to switch over to verizon due to larger coverage and the iphone i know lots about apple gear and the amount of effort it takes to use the evo is a lot more than i want to do.

    1. when taking a pic the quality on the evo is nowhere near as good as the iphone. and that comes from taking a picture of the exact same thing at the exact same time(iphone won)

    2.when you shoot a video in its full awsomeness you cant send it to another phone... you have to drop it down to vga quality (which blows)

    3. the removing of the apps and shutting them down takes more work to do on the evo(you can download apps to help however)

    4. THE BATTERY IS WHAT GETS ME it blows mine is a year old and i had to buy a new battery cause the first wasnt lasting more than 6 hours.

    now with the new one its lasting its full 26-29 hours which still sucks... i use mine a lot

    those are just some killers for me tis the reason why i am getting rid of my evo(hello ebay instant buy 200 bucks)

    cant think of nothing else off my head right now

    edit: oh yeah and that battery life is without gps on no background synce no wifi or bluetooth.

    look at the 4g maps first. sprint has like 9 towns total...

  10. my local shop does not carry 18s either. but if your shop is truly a big shop there then i would put one or two in a show car and stock 1 or 2. don't get anymore than that. and just take one out the box and set it somewhere so people see how big they really are. cause as size go most people have never seen an 18 compared to a 10 or 12. just my two cents if you want to give it a try.

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