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Posts posted by Ipod

  1. people think china runs us because they make all of our stuff. but the honest truth is if we only bought stuff we made... a large part of the world would go broke. i like that feeling

    we can make great stuff but it just so happens we as Americans do not want to pay for it. sad truth

    exactly.. believe it or not.. if US cut the importing and deporting goods from US to china. US is gonna get hurt financially more then china.. we import more goods then then we deport.. but i guess to some, what i've learned in school is taught wrong..

  2. want it or not.. if it passes regulation then it passes.. but to buy the toy or not is up to you.. if you think about it, china can loose it manufacturing cause USA is too deep in debit with china to try to screw things over.. plus, their are more consumer in china to buy their own product. but by bring it over to the USA, it'll have the consumer "save" money.. thats one of the reason why walmart is still growin in a time like this.. supply product at an afforable cost and the consumer keeps coming back.. thus "Supply and Demand"...

    yeah USA needs the work but if you didnt realize, when "hersey" shut down the plant in USA to move across the border. that was a sign of the economy going down hill.. some might agree some might not, but thats how i look at it..

  3. its only hard if she makes it hard.. like monte said "If she valued your marriage then she wouldn't allow this dude to come in out the blue and disrupt shit like this. She'd make him agree to some kind of visitation schedule and would make sure you were involved as much as possible anytime he was picking up or returning her. Unfortunately bro, sounds to me like this is something out of your control and no matter what you say or do she's gonna have the final say in if she stays or goes."

  4. Wow, that's a fucked situation. Sounds to me like you were a rebound relationship for her, but it also sounds like you haven't accepted her daughter as your own and that might factor in to it too. I say that cause you refer to her as "the little girl" and "the girl".....Sounds to me like she's going to get with dude either way it goes, either by breaking up with you and getting with him or by cheating on you. If she's told you that she thinks they should be together then you might just want to chalk it up as a loss and move on cause it sounds to me like her feelings are stronger for him than they are for you.

    speakin like a true OG...

  5. He can be a father and not be with her. They obviously had issues. IF she is happy with you she needs to realize the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. Does he pay child support? Do you care for that child as your own? ITs pretty shallow that you can run off for a few yrs and suddenly think you are allowed to get back into the baby's life.

    x2.. she fucked up for doing that..

    from my experiences, you gotta make them think. make them realized what they have and had.. it sucks but some time you gotta smack (not literally) in the head..

    He just started paying..i love her as my own and he mad cuz she calls me daddy

    key works "child-support".. hes not trying to pay that shit, so he is buttering her up so she'll get back with him..

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