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Posts posted by smokeumtires

  1. I logged in @ about 3pm monday afternoon and IM STILL HERE 12 and-a 1/2 hours later!!! :blink::blink: ....ya its 3am tuesday morn.Ive just been readin and postin questions all night.sorry if Im filling up the forum with posts that no one cares about :blush: but I love this fuckin site and I refresh the page every 5min to see if anythin was answered :rolleyes: ....so ya have a good day all you hard workers.

    Shoulder surgery sux....and boredom sux even more!Drop me a line if you wanna talk to a hawaiian brotha! :lol::lol:



    aka Smokeumtires

  2. Lookin for another T3K probably by the end of the month :blink: . Must be in working condition.Minor cosmetic damage okay, Preferably one with original birthsheet.Please let me know if any of you hear of anything :)

    As for the Batts I wanna go with the 2700's.... 3 of em I know shippin would be a bitch but the stereo shop down here is a total rip..so if you can get me all 3 for a good deal ill prob. pick em up!



  3. Ive been readin A LOT about glassin and my buddy and i are gonna make the panels for my Hoe.We wanna make this shyt clean and its gonna be for 2 6x9's in each door sorry for all the ques.....But hey i know you guys are the gurus...hope GP2K2 migh throw in his 2 cents

    1)I know Im gonna need some matt but what size?

    2)What type of resin do i use?

    3)What type of material/fabric is the best for the "forming" or stretchin

    4)How do I mount em after i add all the extra weight?

    5)When I get to the smoothin out stage what size sandpaper to i use?

    Thanx again guys.....

  4. So i got an Idea from alpineguy about paintin my L7's cones to match my truck.Itll be just a couple light coats of primer and single stage ppg paint?any thing i should watch out for when doing this :blink: ???is it bad for the woofer for example extra weight on the cone???I wanna know if I should do it or not I know how to paint,done about 6 trucks already so thats candy!Just let me know wat you bassheads think!Itll be lime green of coarse heres a lil photoshop i did.....it might be a lil more Lime and glossy but you get the idea...

    Mods if this is in the wrong section plz move if need be.


  5. good luck with your shoulder,hope everything goes well!!!
    Hey bro get well soon, I've heard how painful this can be my buddy (who is just turned 18) just had that same surgery. And my uncle had his left shoulder done 2 years ago, 6 months after he was healed up they had to do his other shoulder, talk about some shit right there. Atleast you got some feel goods in a bottle

    BTW, that pic, is BADASS

    thnx guys.........means a lot!!!!

  6. I am curios as to why people like Kicker so much? I have heard many kicker systems and I am yet to be impressed by there output in ground shaking bass.

    i chose kicker cause of efficency...and ive heard it an i just like em!Personal preferance...But Im gonna go FI next build try and switch it up!

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