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Posts posted by smokeumtires

  1. How did they put you down for it? Like a mask or a IV? Im getting sinus surgery soon and I am pretty nervous about it. Never had anesthesia before.

    An IV......Bra...the anesthesioligist comes in the room says "You might feel woozy" injects something....and BOOM you wake up in the recovery room!!!!Such a head trip!I was all like WTF just happened...and the nurse says oh surgery is finished.I was like Holy shit..... :blink:

  2. Hey guys I just wanted to tell you what just happened to me.I jumped off a 60ft cliff :blink: (into the ocean) in the begining of october and tore my rotator cuff,Bruised my humerous, and ripped the shit outta the cartilage.So pretty much exploded my shoulder :( .I finally "MANNED" up and told the docs to fix it,So tuesday mornin i went under the knife.Now this is the very first time in my life that I would be getting surgery.....So after the procedure my whole arm was numb because they do a "Nerve Block" so the first night at home was candy.Just felt like my arm was novocained up or some shit.But then the pain came.The doctor told me that shoulder surgery is one of the most painfull surgeries there is,I didnt believe him till now :o:o .You cant move any part of your upper body without it afffecting your shoulder.Im gonna post some pics and show you guys that this shit aint no joke.Also with a recovery time span of about 4months.Looks like Ill be on this website a lot ;);) .So drop me a line if you're bored @ home...Because Guys....I'm fuckin losin it im so bored. :(

    Aloha from hawaii

    Kaimana Stone

    Aka Smokeumtires

    I think I beat Meade on the pain Level so heres MY Happy Pills :D


    The points of entry....


    The Piece of Cartilage that broke off when i hit the water


  3. Just wanted to state the obvious!!!!This site is awesome!!!I wanted to let all you BassJunkies out there know what has happened since I joined this site...I first came on here lookin for enclosure Ideas for my 4 15L7's...PFFT That was an easy one for you guys!!!(Thnx Amatt85!)I then realized that the amplifier to power those woofers was too small :blink: ....Hence the buying of my T3k!!! THEN i started to get jealous of all you lucky fuckers out there with BTL's :lol: ....so I started emailin scott @ FI for pricing!THEN I continued reading about a vehicles charging system aka the "BIG 3" and multiple alt's....Sooooooo I got a hold of Dom @ Irragi.So here I am 2months into the site and roughly $2k down (TK3,Wire,Wood,and acc.)and still another $560 this week for my 18" BTL for my acura,Possibly @ the end of this month another $1k on Dual 300 amp alt's and bracketry(for the Hoe) and I'm lookin for another T3k still :blink: !!!!!!!To top it all off I still havent completely settled on what mids/highs I want for my hoe or the amp(s) to power em or even a H.U.!!!!This site has got that audio bug, and instead bein bittin I got it shoved it right down my throat!!!!!I LOVE IT!

    The way I look at thing is you only live once so live it up, buy it if you want it, Bump it if you like it, and show respect where respect is due.....And to Steve and all the members on this forum.....You all deserve IT!!!!!

    Alohas from Hawaii and thank you for sharing your knowledge!

    Kaimana Stone :D:D:D:D

    A.k.a - Smokeumtires

  4. Hey steave Im just wonderin and Im sure its been answered in another thread....But Im gonna do my doors in my Hoe,NOT AS EXTREEM,But still.Whith all that weight on the panel...How do you secure it without showin srews after all the glassing and woofers are put in?IM WATCHIN AND LEARNIN.please forgive me if it was a dumb ques. :blush:

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