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Posts posted by smokeumtires

  1. hey steve i have a question im 15 years old and im buying a fi btl 18" sub and im going to use a 2500 wat rockford amp. Ive heard from my one friend that it mite sound like crap even if i get my box professionally done which i am, is it going to sound bad or not please comment back i realy need to know. thnx

    Install is everything... Staying within the Manufacturer Specs will make for awesome results.

    Electrical is a must

    BIG 3 and a High current Batt or two will help to never melt anything.

    Another good thing would be deadener.....

    any other questions ask away!

  2. Honestly

    Ive done it before on a kicker 350.4 i ran 2 6x9s on the front channel and a little 8" dual 4ohm sub parallel'd to 2ohm and had no problems.... of coarse gains were set conservitavely and it wasnt for spl purposes.

    But ED knows his shit, i know why hes saying no, he dont want you to fry your shit, thats all.

    So stop bein so defensive and just realize that all eds tryin to do is give you a Professional answer.

  3. My mothers a diabetic, Ive saved he life more than once...

    Ive seen her still coherent at 28 and still been able to get her to take a shot of some juice to raise it... Everyone is different. But ive been noticing that with her getting older, her sugar levels spike from one extreem to the other if she isnt on top of it. She has the insulin pump, and needs to regularly adjust the increments according to what she eats...

    So i guess ya, Levels do go lower than the "Norm"

  4. These threads are pointless...... But people KEEP on posting em

    it only ends up being a pissing match between company favortism.

    Here is MY 2cents...... Find someone with one of the brands and see how YOU like it. Then find someone with another brand, AND SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT

    EVERYONE IS BIASED, the only one to recomend a sub for YOUR personal taste of listening is YOU.

    Therefore im locking this thread AS SOON AS IT BECOMES A "MY BRAND IS BETTER THAN YOURS"


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