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Posts posted by Dj_Scarface

  1. Remember this dude is a college student... I don't think he the extra funds to be throwing round for power speakers to start with. The gear he has picked is good for a starter DJ besides that controller. The gear is in his price rage & I'm guessing he can get it local. I just said save a little more money & get a DJ starter kit with a mixer & turntalbes or CDJ's. So he can learn to DJ the rite way & now become a button pusher wanna B.

    I down the controllers because that lead to becoming a button pusher who just put DJ in front of some name & has no real skillz... Even doe I'm young I still went about learning the rite way 2 turntables, mixer, & headphones because I know some of these new wanna b's would be ass out in a DJ booth full of records if I take away the laptop & mouse.

  2. So with the only difference between the two products is the total thickness of the adhesive. How much of difference dose that make when using damplifier pro over damplifier??

    Damp Pro has thicker adhesive and more mass which equates to better reduction and control of vibrations.

    It's hard to explain how much of a difference you will notice between Damplifier and Damplifier Pro, but it's noticeable.

    And combo packages isn't a bad idea either.

    so in words if I go big, DP is worth the extra price

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