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Posts posted by Pittcrew

  1. Hi, I want to get into designing boxes but I've never done it before. I was wondering if someone could design me a box using Torres box calculator for a single 18" Fi BTL N2, tuned to approximately 33 hz. I would like the subwoofer to be facing up, with the port(s) facing back. The main thing is I'm not really sure how to design a port, if someone could provide a detailed explanation on the process of using the calculator to design a box to your desired results that would be great. Because I really am not sure how to decide the shape, number, and length of a port.

    Thanks to anyone who is willing to help me with this.

    P.S. this is an actual box design that I would make and use, as I'm planning on getting a BTL soon, and it would be going in a trunk.

  2. how do you think one of these would compare to a fi btl?

    well if it can do what its suposed to do it will be as good as the btl n2

    yeah right now I'm trying to decide whether I should get an 18" Fi BTL N2 or the HDC4. what would you recommend? and would an AQ3500 be good for either of these?

  3. Actually, 200A alts do not make full power at 8000rpm.

    It depends on the alt and each has its own rating through the rpm band.

    Some alts make full power at 2000 rpm.

    Best way to figure what you need electrical wise is this.

    First figure what wattage you want to run, how many of what size amplifiers.

    Lets use a 10,000w amp as an example.

    OK, so first I wanna choose the batteries to power that 10,000w amp.

    I want a bit of overhead and have to figure voltage drop as well. Most amps will shut off at 10v so if we use that as a reference, it'll give us overhead automatically.

    Also, most amps are 65-90% efficient, so we need to figure on making more that 10,000w. Lets choose batteries that can deliver about 15,000w at 10v.

    So our batteries must be capable of supplying 1500A of current.

    About 3 XS Power D3100s can handle that. Why not 4 for a bit of reserve, shall we? Because we have the 4channel amps and the engine too.

    So no we have 4) XS D3100s to charge while playing. They have a total aH rating of 440. So with a draw of 1500A, the batteries alone will die in about 20 minutes or so, playing full tilt.

    if we use a 200A alternator, we can extend that to about 25 minutes. A 300A would extend it to about half an hour.

    So now figure your playing habits. Are you playing tones at 100% power for 30 minutes straight? Probably not.

    How bout playing music at 75% power on average for 30 minutes? Sure. Well transients dont pull full power at all times, so with this, the 30 minute playing time can be extended for hours.

    And everytime you pause or mute, or there is a break in songs, the alts will be charging the batts. With about 75A of charging to each battery. That is pretty good. Going larger will increase performance. But that'll do well in a situation like this. The smaller the alt, the longer it will take to charge up the batts and let playing time you will have. Going larger will increase playing time and speed up recharge.

    75A of charge can recharge a fully depleted D3100 in just a couple hours. When playing with music and once in a while go to 100% power for a few minutes, you may only deplete the batteries a few percent. So recharge to full will only be a few minutes.

    Basically what Im saying is to get the largest Alt you can afford.

    Very good info, cause I've been actually wondering the same thing, thank you!

  4. I have a 2001 camry and it's served me very well so far. The stock power is running my kicker zx1500 no problem. Get's awesome gas mileage, has been very reliable, and yes obviously has a very nice trunk size (just pray that you don't get a flat tire because the spare is under the subs lol). You could always black it out, tint windows, remove camry and toyota logo, get black rims, and lower it a bit and it would look really sick. I haven't done any of that stuff to mine but I know a guy who did that with a camry and it's pretty badass.

    So in short, yes, as a driver of a camry I'd definitely recommend it to you.

  5. If he set it perfectly the first time, see if he can help you set it up again in your car...

    well he didn't do it himself he paid someone to do it. the problem is i don;t get off work till 9 and that's when I'll be getting them and all the stores will be closed by then, next day i gtg to school, then right after that work which will also go to 9 and give me no time to do it.

  6. Ok, so tomorrow I'm going to be buying some subwoofers from my neighbor, it's going to be an amazing deal for me I'm very excited! He already has the amp tuned perfectly but I was just wondering since we have different head units if I'll need to do any re-tuning. Also, what kind of setting do you recommend on the head unit? I'm probably sure I shouldn't turn the bass on the head unit all the way up to +6 but I really have no idea.

  7. ok well I already have the kenwood amp not subs. and yeah the reason I'm getting these now is because my next thing is going to be major upgrade with a brand new amp, alternator, battery, dc xl 18, and box. being 16 and working part time that is going to take a while so I just want some bass in the meantime. someone earlier ssaid the lanzars would only work at one ohm but the amp can't do that. but the amp says stable down to one ohm? idk i'm a newbie when it comes to this stuff and I don't really understand ohms

  8. So right now I'm working on good system with DC subs but I'm just gonna get some cheap to hold me over in the meantime and was wondering if this would be a good combination.

    BOX: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0013MYXFC/ref=s9_simh_gw_p23_d0_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_r=0V92VCS5W8718DR85DNA&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=470938811&pf_rd_i=507846

    AMP: http://www.kenwoodusa.com/Car_Entertainment/Amplifiers/KAC-9105D

    two of these subs: http://www.amazon.com/Lanzar-MAXP154D-2000-Watt-Small-Enclosure-Subwoofer/dp/B000O3XT4W/ref=sr_1_2?s=car&ie=UTF8&qid=1302838976&sr=1-2

    So yeah would this combination work well together? if not suggest some cheap alternatives. Remember I'm only using this as a temporary setup so don't flame me about using cheap stuff please.

    *EDIT* So I think I'm going to do this.

    This box http://www.amazon.com/Atrend-E15D-15-Inch-Sealed-Boxes/dp/B0013MYXFC/ref=pd_cp_e_3

    with the kenwood amp above

    and two of these: http://www.amazon.com/Rockford-Fosgate-P1S415-15-Inch-Subwoofer/dp/B001B6WVHC/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

    you guys think that would be good?

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