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Everything posted by headshok

  1. hi guys, after some time of thinking, finally went ahead to do the door pods for my ride. the babies goin in are 2 Atomic QT6s in each door. They'll be powered by an Audioart 100HC (each side paralleld down to 2 ohms ), prob pushin ard 200+ watts each channel (this amp pushes 500watts stero @1ohm) these are the babies just itching to go in. i've got a pair of the older version (with the older more dull magnet) and a pair of the new ones(with the shiny butt and ventilation holes) so here goes nothing.. dam CA glue clogged up on me, spilled all over the floor and stuck my fingers together, piece of crap.. ended up usin the same glue that i used on my woofer box, the liquid nails. pulling fleece over it was a bit tricky as i didnt intend to glass over my whole door, so there was one part which i think i screwed up, hope to somehow cover it up with vinyl later. test fitted them in my car to see how they were like. dam, made the standoffs kinda too tall, but they're JUUUUUSTTT nice, a shot from the driver seat. my friend has the resin over at his place and he wasnt free for me to come over and put on the resin (i don live in a house, so its kinda hard to do FG in the common area).. and its time to go pick up my girl from work and have dinner. more pics tomorrow! Cheers!
  2. hi guys, i've been asking ard locally in singapore abt close pod filters, been gettin various answers. so here's my question: i wanna change out my stock air box to a close pod. main reason is because i wanna be able to fit a bigger battery under my hood. the damm stock air box is takin up too much space (my engine bay isnt too big). i'm drivin a 1.6L 2004 mit lancer. at first, i wanted to just put an open pod filter. but people said u will lose low end torque but gain more on the high end. but this will increase ur fuel consumption. Gas down here is f**kin ex, so no way am i doin that. then my friend told me abt close pod filters, a brand used commonly here is "simolta", dont know whether u guys have it up there. basically, is a CF round filter that is connected to a cold air intake. my friend said that for his ride, it increased mid range torque, and also improved his fuel consumption. so my question is, will addin a close pod filter affect my low end torque? i'm not much into performance, just want the space to stuff in a nice juicy kinitic battery (theHC 2400).. main thing i'm worried is fuel consumption and low end torque. thanks guys. cheers
  3. Hi guys, i was in bangkok 2 weeks back,took a lot of nice pics... enjoy.. these 2 cars are one of the world champion SQ cars. one was shipped to Greece for EMMA and won and the other shipped to the US(i tink) for IASCA n won too(i think he beat scott bulwalda). also, the distributor for Atomic had one bad ass show there..he had a like 20+ cars systems all linked to a DJ booth on the stage and it was DAMM LOUD!!(it was in the open) this is the Atomic 24" ele a nice mmats setup some nice vids(apologise for the poor quality.)
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