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Posts posted by headshok

  1. hi guys


    guess wat came in today..

    but i'm a poor f**k now.. will prob be livin off pot pies and hot pocketsfor the rest of the summer.. hahahaha but its WORTH IT!!

    what could these be..


    hoo sh1tt!!










    ur accessories here are SOO CHEAP!





    i still have one power mini ( 4x110 watts) on the way, they didnt have any in the store.. hehehe..

    now 1/2 my shoppin list is done..


  2. what non dvd head unit do you think is the best on the market, either already released or going to be this summer?

    personally, i like the Pioneer P9 (it might be called differently up there).

    the F1 status is gettin too common down here.

    Personally, for SQ, Clarion D1 seems to be a pretty reasonable deck. but its a pure deck. gettin imaging thru TA would be a b1tch without a processor.

    Mac decks are cool!

    but i'm still happy with my RFX 8140 off my H700 processor


  3. WWW.DCSOUNDLAB.COM I dont have everything filled in yet close but were so swamped with email i hope this answeres some questions!!

    yo man!

    great site with great pics!

    wish u guys allthe best with the new business!

    just some heads up, ther eseems to be some stuff goin on in ROE talkin abt DC audio, would be good if u guys dropped by and look at it.


  4. what subs do you guys recommend i want a mixture of SQ and SPL, that hits looooow :wub: and doesnt miss a beat and can take the abuse when pushing it hard.

    just curious, how much SQ do u want in ur system?

    cos pple down ehre don play loud systems, but are all hardcore SQ fellas..

    so how 'hardcore' SQ u wanna be.. heheh

  5. what subs do you guys recommend i want a mixture of SQ and SPL, that hits looooow :wub: and doesnt miss a beat and can take the abuse when pushing it hard.

    how abt RE XXXs? those fit the bill..

    if u want budget,

    try Atomic's Quantum. suppose to be their SQ range, but had some crazy pple burp it at 4kws just for fun and got 144 off 1 12"(the subs rated at 500 watts)

    if u have a bit more, maybe u can try their AP range.

    but for crazy boom and soundin good, i like the XXXs..


  6. ok its official, as of today im am starting classes at mobile dynamics on the 4th to become a certified installler. i first found out about the school when i was 15 1/2 and have begged my parents ever since then to go....well finally came up with an opourtunity when my grandparents offered to loan me the $7000 to attend. Well so far this is one of the most exciting things thats happened to me in the 18 years of my life and i really hope this helps me out in the car audio carrer field.

    i guess, some pple will say wat u learn there is crap and stuff.

    but hey, trust me, u'll have a great time there and OPEN UR EARS and pay attention.

    the old hag (u'll noe who) is a b1tch..

    instructors are cool. Send my regards to Paul, Chad and Wayne. tell them the dude from Singapore (they'll noe who) sends their regards.

    if ur stayin in the hotel that's next to walmart, stay away from the skanky b1tches who work there.. hahaha..

  7. man.. HOOK ME UP !!! if you don't want 4... get 4 and sell 2.. :D

    haha.how abt i get 6 and sell u 2..

    but down side is

    1) u gotta wait till i'm up in the US (thats like in middle of june)

    2) i need payment first, don have $$ for all 6.. haha.

    PM me if ur interested man!


  8. If you represent "Atomic"... Craig should be willing to work something out for you. My T-4000's will be history once the UPS guys drops off some "To good to pass up" Atomic Amps. B)


    damm.. u gettin the new AT7kws? hahha..

    i want those too, the mind's willing, but the pocky's not.. hahha

  9. Hi guys,

    ok, here's my situation.

    i only have so much $$ to spend when i'm in the US.

    i've got some excellent deals on the RF T4000bds, but its a one time deal only and it ends in july.

    I also have some excellent deals on the AT7kws and i can get them anytime i want.

    so after some calculation, with the money i have, i can only afford

    1) 2 T4000BDs and 1 Atomic 7kw

    2) 4 T4000BDs.

    here's the problem.

    the deal on the RF is WAAAYYYY too good to pass over. But the Atomic 7kw is also SUPPPPERRRRRRRRR SEXYYYY.

    i was thinking, if i get 2 T4kws and 1 Atomic, then i mean, its kinda wasted as i could have got another pair of T4kws and gotten the atomic another time.

    But then since this should be my last trip to the US in another couple of yrs, it means i'll have to fly the Atomic amp over, (which will prob cost a sh1t load)..

    if u guys were in my shoes, wat would you choose?

    Yes i noe i represent Atomic, but the RF deal is too damm sweet.

    Ideally, gettin 4 T4kws and 1 AT7kw would be perfect, but it aint ideal on my bank account


  10. just talk them into playing a little strip twister and that should pave the way........;)

    hahaha... singapore girls work a bit differently,

    these 2 girls, one of them will prob be game for 'fun', the other one is more conservative.

    soo oo well, just planning to get some weed, get them to try a gravity bong and some jeager shots.

    and that should work as well.. hahahaha..

    dam i'm bad.. haha

  11. Hi guys,

    I'm planning to visit meade when i'm up doin exchange at UCLA.

    i have 2 other travelling buddies ( 2 ladies) and when i told them i'm going to sacremento, they said they wanna come along.

    here's the thing, i cant possibily let htem hang ard meade's place the whole time rite?

    i was thinking of droppin them off at some shoppin area and sh1t.

    is there any factory outlets or good shopping places in the area where i can " off load" them at and go and hang out with meade for the day?

    them coming along will be good cos it means i have 2 other pple to share gas and rental with. hahah.

    thanks in advance guys.


  12. I am offically moving there :lol:



    previously, they busted pple with porn in the computers to make a few pple scap goats..

    still wanna move here? hahahah

    plus the woman's charter here is f**kin strong, they b1tch abt wanting to be treated equally and they also get the benefits for being the 'weaker' sex.. haha..

    still wanna come?

    guess only consolation is that prostitution is legal here, hahaha..

  13. ill X3 on that and yes, please stuff my new "china doll" in a bag or box and bring 'er :D

    anyway i dont think i need anything but if you want to surprise me with something special ill take it and keep it for life probably. Im like that when people give me stuff....

    just so you know L.A. is 6-7hour drive from sacramento (nor-cal) but id be more then welcome to meet up with you guys if your in the area, especially if you drive up just to see me :D

    let me know when you plan on being in Cali ill shoot you my cell #. B)

    thanks man, yeah we'll be driving up just to see you man, hahaha, i'll be snappin tons of pics of ur ride.. (plus some vids too!)

    i wanna tell pple that i've met the one and only "steve meade".. hahaha..

    aniway, abt the gift stuff, i'll think of someting(sorry we don have local playboy/pent house cos porn is banned here, though prostitution is legal, haha)

    as for hot asian chicks, if u come down here, i'll point u to where to pick up some(some chicks ONLY go after white men down here, so u guys are lucky)

    how abt the kids? anything u tink might interest them?

    cant wait to be up there man!


  14. Heya Steve,

    Remember me? I'm the only guy from Singapore in ur forum, and well, tink some time back i asked u whether i can drop by ur place to drool at ur setup and have coffee with u. Would be great to tell pple i've actually met " steve meade" in person.

    i'll be doing summer exchange at UCLA, so will prob get my friend and we'll drive up to visit u, then i'll visit my bro in SFO,

    Anyway, you need anything from down here? Or do your children collect any particular things that maybe they want something from down here ( i duno,some asian toys or anything that might interest them, i'll keep a look out)

    Hit me up if u need anything man.


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