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Posts posted by headshok

  1. had this episode on dvr and just watched it again today. was it just me or did they meter the subs from the back standing outside the car with the doors open???

    just curious, where was the mic placed? in the cabin or outside the cabin?

    anyway, i agree with some of u guys, i tink if MTX paid meade to do a project on the jack hammer and fully sponsored him every piece of equipment, i guess pple will be saying different things about it.

  2. Hi guys,

    nice pics man. Just a quick question:

    how does havin a multiple alternator setup affect your car's performance? i mean, for example, how much power will u lose?

    down where i'm from, we are taxed according to our engine capacity, so i drive a 1.6L ride.

    so if lets say i get mr Iraggi to make me 2 alternators for dual alt setup, will this like make my car totally sluggish ?

    thanks guys


  3. those tweets are damn awesome man. over here they are highly sought after

    really? haha.. down side is, i heard they're hungry as *uck man..

    my cousin used his Butler TDB 2150 (2x150) to drive them, said there were just simple magical.. heheh..

    anyone can recommend wat freq i should cross this at?

  4. Hi guys,

    went to salvage my cousin's old audio stuff, he's givn up audio(age caught up) and is playin more of performance (he just got BMW's new twin turbo coupe, forgot the model).

    aniway, so yeah, salvaged these tweets from hi, suppose to help hinm sell them, but think i'll keep them awhile and he'll prob sell them to be cheap.. heheh

    here they go:

    Dynaudio Esotars.

    Anyone have any idea whats the lowest freq these babies can handle? 2k? 2.5k?






  5. hey steve,

    nice spkrs man.

    just curious, how low do these guys go? what did u cross them at? just curious

    cos i've heard my friend's SEAS L5 (i tink), he crossed his mids at 40hz, gentle slope, after a lot of soundproofing, that 6.5" hit pretty low, do the XXXs handle it that low?

    i'm on the Atomic's QT6s, unfortunately, they don go that low. Just curious on the XXXs.

    cheers man

  6. damm thats a LONG ASS DRIVE!!

    set! its a date! at most i'll head up on a friday night and get a motel and meet up with u on a saturday and head back to LA on a sunday! then i can tell pple here that i've met the one and only steve meade! . man it'll be cool havin coffee with u man! make a vid with me in it!hahaha..

    cant wait to be up in the US again man!


  7. hi guys,

    just curious, is there a market for japanese imported body kits in the US?

    i'm kinda doing this as a sideline locally( down here in singapore), i'm bringing in all sorts of accessories from Japan and am considering exporting to the US.  but needa know whether 'import cars' as u guys call it are 'hot' and popular over there and whether there is a demand for kits? (ie mugen kits, TRD, etc etc).

    thanks guys.


  8. If I were you, id spend as much time as needed to make them look good as possible. No sense on doing a half ass project. Especially in a newer car. But they are lookin good so far.

    yeah man, but really, don have the time man... my girl friend will nag my ass up the wall.. and when sch starts, its back to books for me. will try to conceal up the flaws. come to the worse, i'll just stretch vinyl over it.. haha..

    thanks for the support guys!


  9. hahaha..

    isnt canada right hand drive too? so u should see some right hand drive rides on the US roads eeh..


    i drove ard in LA when i was in the US in june took a bit of gettin used to, i was pretty ok on the big roads but drove on the wrong side in the small neighbourhoods.. hahaha.. , u. haha.. one thing my US friends asked me was how do u drive stick on a right hand drive. they cant seem to figure out "left leg clutch and left hand gear"... hahaha..

  10. looking good wish i had those skills

    just take a lot of patience. correct tools will make life MUCH easier

    aniway, here;s more pics

    attempted to patch up the holes with more bondo and sanded it down.. damm.. there MUST be an art to applyin bondo properly.





    thank god i had my dewalt mini sander, helped A LOT! hahaha..

    aniway, gave up halfway. cos there was no way i was goin to get a perfectly smooth surface with the time i had. its a friday afternoon, and its gonna be the new year weekend. my girl friend will kill me if i spent the weekend sanding down the door.and after that, its back to school, wont have any time left. just had to make do  .



    primed it down.. still deciding wat colour i should spray the pannel.

    wat do u think goes well? my original panel cover was beigh. any suggestions?





    anyway, here the final product, mids hit pretty hard, but damm!! screwed up some places.

    i put too much bondo in the parts where the door closed, so my doors cant close properly. they have to be shut HARD.

    also, ONE big problem is that, if u look closely at the transition where my door panel leather meets the bondo. i have up thjinkin of a way to merge it and am just gonna buy something (anythign decorative) to cover up that area. any more suggestions.

    aniway, the mids hit hard as hell! hahahaa.. yeah... cant wait to hook up my 100 HC to them.. muahahaha

    aniway, wat colour u think goes well with my door?

    also, is it ok to wet sand even with the primer on?


  11. heya guys.

    thanks for all the support.

    aniway, today did the glassing, and some screw ups did arise.



    i don live in a house, thus this is where i did my work, the car park by the dumpster(thank god it was empty).


    aniway, some of u guys were askin abt my ride, its a 2004 mit lancer.


    more pics of the panel



    got it sanded down


    it was gettin late and i got hungry. and my friend came over to help out, then he wanted to go for dinner, so i did a hurry job in the bondoing, big mistake, will have to patch up the whole panel tomorrow again.


    i decided to do 1 door first, so that watever cock up happens on the first one, i know wat to do on the 2nd one.





    the screw ups that happened were that:

    for one of the panels, i did not let it cure long enough b4 lettin it stand vertically, so the harden fleeced kinda could "fall off" at one side. had to screw it into the door panel.

    also, i'm wondering, if u can see, on the door handle, there is a transition btw the original door cover and where the fleece starts. any suggestions on how to go about "blending" the transition in?

    thanks guys.

    will try to cover as much tomorrow

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