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Posts posted by focalrock4life

  1. yea it was I learned so much cool shit about how its made and how the different top shelfs are made ect.

    for example the barrels on the bottom of the rack are going to be top shelf in the store because they are closer to the ground which is colder therefore making the bourbon smoother. the racks on top are hotter so they are the bottom of the shelf liqour due to not being smooth because of the heat. cool shit man.

  2. This is the controlled serialized part. Everything else is considered "accessories". I am going to a bike show in Rockingham this weekend (decided not to carry) but I plan on shooting it next week. I will have a full wright up.

    It is .40 right now, but I have the .45 compact conversion on order.


    please excuse my ignorance airborne but wheres teh rest of the gun!? lol

  3. I just picked up a Sig P250 in .40 andhavn't had a chance to break any bottles with it, but I think this weakend will let me put a couple of rounds through it. Mine is the compact by the way. I scored one wicked deal on some 180gr federal. Can't wait to see how they shoot.

    I got a pretty good deal on Winchester 165 grain today. 28.97 for 100! I havent seen prices like that for a while

  4. Just got back from the range a minute ago and fired 100 rounds of fiocchi 165 gr FMJ. not one single hiccup and this gun is accurate as hell! I was able to put all within a 3 inch circle over and over again and a 5 inch circle during rapid fire. Head shots are easy with this thing lol Im soo glad i got it! its a blast to shoot and there is a cool fireball that shoots out teh end after every shot lol. Oh and I put the target out at 25 yards just for shits and giggles and to my amazement all 6 shots were in the black area of the silhouette not bad for a gun with a 3.2" barrel.

    definatly would reccomend this gun to anyone looking for a reliable, accurate and easily concealable (its 1.04" thick) .40




    I will put up more pics and maybe some vids when i go to the range again

  5. You know, I came up to GA to take this course, as it is only $2200, then once I passed, my plan was to come back to West Palm Beach, and score a job there (I love WPB, been there for 20 years) BUT, going thru this class, I learned about a process called Resiprocity, and im sure you now what that means, and I found out that FL DOES NOT HONOR IT, AND I WOULD HAVE TO BECOME RE-CERTIFIED AS PER COUNTY TO WORK BACK IN FL. I'm just going to stay here in the ATL area, and once I start my career, I'll buy a house up here ($200,000) buys a damn mansion up here, as $200,000 gets you a 2BR apt in WPB, so maybe it is better for me anyways. Thanks everyone for the warm replies. Now once I land a job, I can finally finish up what the bottom part of my sig reads!!!!

    yup it sucks. to work here you have to get certified here bottom line..come down here and get your EMT-P you will be valuable in hospitals as well as pre hospital. it opens you up to alot of opporitunities

  6. PLEASE TELL ME YOU DID NOT GIVE THEM A CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD NUMBER!!!!!!!!! If you did you need to shut your shit down right now! No respectable company PHISHES (look that up please) for info. You stand the risk of getting robbed blind.
    They ask for too much information to be legit. Look up Clark Howard, dude will tell you about every scam out ther.

    well thanks for the info man you saved my ass lol. i was ready to buy..oh well back to bass pro tomorrow

  7. thats a nice gun whats one of those run around. I am looking at a glock 27 for a cc because its vary small.

    685.00 plus tax, ect. i think after tax and dealer fee it was 737.xx out the door. i didnt get a glock because i tried to conceal my step brothers 27 just to see and i felt like i was concealing a brick...this PPS in 1.04" wide so a good difference there.

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