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Posts posted by stilltippin863

  1. Have you actually tested the output of either amp? I owned a kx2500.1 and it... bout pounded a BTL out the box. That doesn't mean it was giving out max output.

    no i have not tested the output but when i get the amp back from getting fixed and reconditioned i will test the output and let ya'll know

  2. this seems like another one of those threads where no matter whats said your not going to listen

    i am listening to everything and thanks for all of you that replyed but i just really do not know if i should keep the zx2500.1 or get a different amp?

    b/c right now i am useing it to push 4 15 L5's it sounds good but i nnnnnnneeeeddddd a high out put alternator for my grand marquis and then i will really see what that amp will do

    i already got the big 3 dual batterys and 0ga wire running back just need the alternator

  3. I used to run the brutus amps, great entry level amps, they do not make rated power, that kicker amp does more than rated power all day long.

    my buddy has 2 12 L7's 07's and a brutus 1200.1 amp on them and man that bitch pushes them like crazyyyyyyyyy and he only has the amp half way and bout pounds them out the box

  4. reason being the brutus amp are 1 ohm stable

    kicker are not

    therefore it takes more volts and amps to get the same amount of power at the same ohm load

    and brutus amps are over rated kicker is not

    Now Why Do You Say Brutus Are Over Rated And Kicker Is Not

    Kicker Is Over Rated But Not alotttttt kicker you got to have like 4 batterys and 2 alternator to push it to it full power

    brutus you need like 2 batts and you will push it to it's max

    brutus does what is says

  5. becuase the hifonics doesnt do all that its advertised todo.

    well i heard and send they do push alot more then you think

    everyone puts them down b/c it is not one of the big names like kicker rockford fosgate or something like that

    but they are damnnnnnnnnn good amps

    but my buddy sells them at the shop all day long and we have yet to have someone come back and diss them

    and i truely belive the 2600 hifonics will out do the zx2500.1

    and will also pull alottttttt less amps then the kicker zx2500.1 to run them

  6. can a amp that pull less amps over power a amp that pulls more amps????

    for instance

    lets say the kicker zx 2500.1 and the hifonics bxi 2600 class d

    i belive the hifonics class d will pull less amps and over power the kicker amp am i correct????

    b/c the kicker amp pulls alotttttt of power to push it's full watts and the hifonics don't pull alottttttttt of amps to push all of it's watts

  7. well db-r does 90day warranty, usually $60-120 to fix class d amps, idk about kickers price, im guessing 100ish

    sounds like ur burnt up your power supply and some mosfets maybe

    either kicker or db-r but i bet db-r will be faster than kicker, and chris is the guru of fixin amps/radios

    ok and how do i get a hold of them person????

  8. You said its powers on goes into protect and shuts off then keeps doing that? make sure that the positive and negative coming from your subs are not touching. i know mine did and it was doing the same thing.

    i already checked that i took everything out of my car now and just got it sitting in side the house but i went out there yesterday and tryed it and it was doing the same thing with no speakers hooked up no Rcas or anything

    i think it over heated and burned something up like rca's i think b/c it smelled by the speakers terminals and the rca terminals but i do not know i just need to find someone good and for a good price that will fix it

  9. ok now i really do not know who to go with i already e-mailed audiotek service center and they should get back with me tommorrow

    but right now i am tight on money so i am looking for the best place to fix it that is also the cheapest place and will warrenty when they send it back to me for atleast 60 to 90 days

  10. I Guess I Blew My zx2500.1 kicker amp it will power on and then switch to protect and then to power and then to protect it will keep doing that realll fast

    i think i over heated it

    i do not have warrenty on it so i was gunna see if anyone knows how to fix it and how much would it cost and if you know how to fix it please post price where your located and

    your feedback with this site thanks alot

    and please pm me b/c i do not check these pages alot


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