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Posts posted by P-rez

  1. if your using mdf you'll need to sand and primer the hell out of it, ithink it was ray or someone who suggested using body filler to make it look a bit better and more seamless

    Yeah I am using MDF...I already purchased sand paper to sand it down next week...I'm also going to b rounding off the edges....

  2. Well I always used a hammer with no problem.(all the ones I've done have been stuck together tight). Your not hitting with all your might you just give it a good tap, but yea a rubber mallet would be the best thing if you were worried about damaging it.

    And using the screwdriver to break the glue between the motor and basket did'nt turn out too well when I tried last if you slip you'll scratch the top plate.

    Oh yeah that's a good point I don't want to scratch the Shit out of my top plate....Aight ima just try to hit it with a rubber hammer

  3. Put the Phillips head screwdriver on the screws, And hit the screw driver down so it bites the screw. ( Not super hard though. ) And push down on the screw driver when backing the screws out. That way you don't strip the screws, and then your fugged. I had to do this on a 18 XL. Fairly easy.

    Do this and get all the bolts out then hit the basket itself with the hammer upwards.

    I didn't have to hit mine and it came right off. Glue must of broke on mine. But i would wrap the hammer in a rag or something, so you don't chip or damage the basket. Unless you have a rubber hammer.

    I'm going to go purchase a rubber hammer tomorrow...ima b getting the sub reconed from a 15 to an 18.....that's the reason for removing the basket

  4. Put the Phillips head screwdriver on the screws, And hit the screw driver down so it bites the screw. ( Not super hard though. ) And push down on the screw driver when backing the screws out. That way you don't strip the screws, and then your fugged. I had to do this on a 18 XL. Fairly easy.

    Alright koo...this is exactly the explanation I was looking for.....thanks

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