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Posts posted by P-rez

  1. personally i would of kept the system, no offense but with 22s the truck will kinda blend in with the crowd lol if i where to put rims it be 26s or bigger

    BUT! it does look better than the 18s and for free it did improve the look :good:

    Well my original plan was to lift it or put some 24's on it but since i got offered free wheels i said why not...but im still intending to lift the badboy...i found a clean ass deal for a 4 inch rancho spindle lift

  2. threads like this are pointless... if you are on the market for a 2k amp buy a 2k amp if you are on the market for a 10k amp buy a 10k amp its rated at 2k for a reason that is what you should expect to get out of it

    Haha...someone didn't get none last night...lol....chill out bro I'm in the market for either a 2k or 3k just want to c what the 2k does clamped....

  3. what up fellas yup you read it correctly....i might b getting some free 22s tomorrow...i have a bro in law that has a body shop and i guess a customer gave him some 22s that he doesn't need so he offered me them to trade him my current 18s for the 22s since he is going to try and lift his truck and will intend to use my rims for it with some big mud tires.....i was actually planning on doing the same thing and lifting my burban and throwing some bfg tires on it bit since they r free why not....what you guys think....if i make the trade i will b posting pics up tomorrow before and after....stay tuned for the switch :drink40:

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