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Posts posted by jakobebassbudds

  1. yeah it sucks my local audio shop is trying everything they can and said that i could just pay the 400 something for a brand new set and not make a time off me because of this . they know the only reason i buy somethings thru them is because of there ability to take care of warranty's . like my 2 year old autopage alarm remote went bad and they got me a new one

  2. i have 4 sets of the alpine typeX pro component sets and 1 one my mid drivers went bad due to a dead coil. I took it to my local audio shop were i baught them and they said no worries will get you taken care of. a week later my buddy who works up there called me and said that there alpine rep and warranty guy both cant do anything about it because its just the driver . so the managers up there got a hold of alpine directly and alpine sad that because mine is the 2010 version its considered outdated and that alpine cant warranty it at all . so my shop is still working on trying to get me a warranty for it, so i figured id post hear in the want to buy thread if anyone has a set of theses of even possibly just a driver lol and if any distributors on smd here could help me get ahold of one thru a warranty or could give me advice on what actions i could try to take to get this figured out . and no i have not contacted alpine directly cuz im thinkng there going to tell me tuff shit 1000 bucks will give you a new set lol and im just a little guy in the big alpine world

    thanks for reading and any input i would like to hear !!

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