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Posts posted by jakobebassbudds

  1. if you find out let me now cuz id be interested if i could make enough

    ROI seems to be fairly slow and low for a lot of forums (yes I spent a few hours researching lol).

    But it really is dependent of the forum activity. Hard to make a educated decision without knowing some of the stats of ROE.

    kinda what i was thinking after i looked around on it , looked like a spl forum in the off season lol

  2. And to top it off, Lenny is a class act. When a guy blew his stuff at finals during the 30x 10 (30hz for 10 minutes straight) run, Lenny quickly pulled into the lanes to keep that lane alive. And his score kept on climbing the entire time.

    yeah that was some cool shit

    i gotto listen to this thing at midwest finals and its sick he must have done alot of tunning from then till now cuz those number would have won him first all the way

    great guy to

  3. here in missouri 50 ft tcicket no if ands or butts and they will give you a ticket even if its not 50 feet away or if they can FEEL it even tho its low volume . just turn it down at stop lights or heavy traffic its not that hard iv never got a ticket and some ppl think that's crazy that i haven't but its justa respect thing to me , i wouldnt want to hear someone elses loud music at a stop light or stop and go traffic

  4. haha to everclear but i like blueberry vodka and sprite , its simple and good

    yeah a good skittle vodka would be a fifth of raspberry Smirnoff and the big bag of skittles and let soak till skittles are gone or close to gone . thats how i make it

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