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Posts posted by PoppyTwoTime

  1. I just swapped the telephone products for my home based business. I had been using standard phone lines and having to pay an enormous costs each month.

    I wasn't securing enough each month to maintain my telephone on some months, and so i necessary a brand new answer. I started searching for a completely new sloution on-line.

    I heard a great deal in relation to Voip in addition to beginning looking into it. I found a site called The Top 10 Best VoIP which ranked the best 10 VoIP providers.

    The site was easy to read and understand. It was really helpful for me. I ended up reducing my phone bill from $75 a month with Cox, about 10 bucks with PhonePower.com!

    I just wanted to share my story with you because if anyone on here is looking to reduce costs for their business or even just home phone, I recommend checking out the www.thetop10bestvoip.com and checking out there list of the Best VoIP Providers .

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