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ballin millenia

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Posts posted by ballin millenia

  1. SS are a bit too harsh for ears. but since you heard them and liked them then go for it :) sound is subjective, what matters is what sounds good to your ears, however if you compete then it matters what it sounds like to the judges ears :sigh:

    ok but what tweets do u think sound nice because those are actually the only tweets ive ever heard lol so im just trying to get some sugestions

  2. Tweets are EXTREMELY efficient, they arent like mids, you shouldnt need more than ~50watts i would say.

    oh ok wat tweets do u guys think are good? i was looking at the soundstream...i forgot the model but they are like 120 rms ive heard em before and they sound nice

    EDIT: they are called the twt.2

  3. hey guys sry i couldnt get back right away ive been busy as hell! lol anyways

    i know tweets will help its just im not sure about how much power i need to run like i said my mids are at 200 wrms a piece so would tweets at 100 wrms each be ok or should i give the tweets 200 wrms too?

  4. ok im running oxygen midranges and i was wondering if i should even bother adding tweeters

    my midranges are running at about 175-200 wrms a peice, now would a tweeter on about 75-100 wrms help alot? i know it would pick up everything above 10k hz which is where my mid are maxed out. thanks!

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