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Posts posted by gremlin

  1. ok i thought about what i said and decided to correct myself before i left....what you think i said isnt it. we just going to movies. i dont want to become another statistic in my school. i know there are ways of protecting yourself. oh and she not my gf. she playing hard to get...lol...and dont worry about it man, she will be yours, like its been said in another thread "shes already talking to you. hard part is done" but becoming a statistic of teenage pregnancies....not being me of course, being her...FUCK THAT!!

    edit: yeah i did make it seem like the other thing...sorry

  2. thank you stephen. rebasing means compromising in a sense. or customizing. making something work where it wasnt really desined to go but works just as well.. d2r and d2s are bulbs for cars that came with hid from the factory. unless you want to retrofit an oem reflector or projector into your housing, just buy a conversion kit or plug-n-play kit for your vehicle if you dont wanna go through the hassle of retrofitting. because it takes alot of hours and sometimes still doesnt come out right.

  3. Flood control is enabled on this board, please wait 20 seconds before replying or posting a new topic....FUCK THAT

    wanna get rims but cant cuz of gay job.....FUCK THAT

    need to piss but dont wanna get out of bed and walk 10 feet to rest room....fuck that

    want to ride quad but cant cause cops constantly patrolling through my neighborhood because i always ride my quad...illegally....FUCK THAT!!! FUCK LAWS!!! and FUCK what everyone else said these past 46 pages!!!!!!......um......FUCK THAT

  4. as y'all can see this is gonna be my first post. granted im not all that new to this site i have been visiting this since pretty much everyday since early june. these builds and ways of creativity never cease to impress me and make me just want to completely redo my setup(which i cant due to no money haha) my name is joe joey whatever yall wanna call me as long as its not insulting pretty much. im from the valley(texas valley not cali valley) um thats pretty much it. this site is the shizznit, absolutely best site for ANY audio enthusiast!!!

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