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Ville Audio j

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Posts posted by Ville Audio j

  1. my absolute max is like 450 maybe 500. if i were to get 2 15s one would be for christmas lol

    No, you do not have anything for sale Ville Audio....

    First of all you need to follow the for sale rules...

    Second of all you dont have enough posts to sell here...

    Thrid of all you have no pics with username and current date...

    Fourth of all you are to post your forsale items in the forsale section only...

    Fifth of all your back at the first of all, which is not reading or smart enough to understand said forsale rules...

    Consider this a written warning!


  2. just got a new car with hids problem is one of the hid boxes or whatever u call them doesnt put out power. is there a way to fix this or what? i have no clue what kind they are. no markings at all. idk what to look for as a replacement. do i need a whole new set. and sorry i kow its not a tech section but if one of u guys has a quick answer i wont have to crowd up another area with a whole thread about it.

  3. ok first of all cone area has nothing to do with how low a sub will go or how good the sq is. the only factor that plays in it is that more cone area (with same or similar xmax) is louder so more cone area may sound like it hits lows better but ud need a big difference in cone area to notice it. that all depends specifically upon the woofers in question and their motors suspension and box which will be the biggest variable as it almost always is. 2 15s will not be much louder than a single 15 of same xmax in correct boxes. not to the ear. to a meter tho yes. id go with 1 18. people gawk at them most people havnt ever seen one or heard one in a car. pick the right woofer and itll do all you need and should be cheaper than 2 15s

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