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Posts posted by allenk4

  1. already been thought of and its not that easy. The internals dont just flip like that there are all kinds of cables that are just long enough to be where they are. It can be done but would be a pain so we didnt go with that....i actually like the wires there now anyway, you can easily read the RF 2/0 and its so nice and purrrrty :D

    thanks but no thanks! :D

    I thought if the thing is a rectangle and symetrical...you could just flip the outer casing of the amp and rotate the gauges.

    I don't have the advantage of having seen one, except for a few minutes at Texas Heatwave in '06.

    Still looks great...it was just a thought.

  2. Steve,

    Looks great

    But, flip those amps 180 degrees!

    They would look much better with the wiring on the bottom, so you could hide it.

    I think the T15k's a symetrical; so you should be able to remove the faceplate and flip it 180 degress and because the gauges are round; I think you could spin those 180 degrees, if there is enough slack on the wiring, if not you might have to extend some wires.

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