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Posts posted by mast240

  1. A lot of people know about SOPA. I mean, the people who would be affected are people who go to eBay and Craigslist...wait...its listed on the site.

    Also, I deleted my Facebook months ago and havent looked back. Many others as well. And is Facebook shutting down on the 18th? Didn't think so, so chasing after the function seems a long way around trying to change the perception.

    Have you donated? Called your state representatives? Made awareness to your district? You know...talk to the people who will actually be voting in on the matter? Nope...I'm just trying to shut down the internet for a day.

    have you? i'm very active in my local/state/federal politics.... seems like you have the typical "cant do anything, status quot" attitude.

  2. Wont be a joke when/if they actually take away sites that could decline profits for another company. If it passes you will no longer be able to buy stuff used through craigslist, ebay, any other place where it can be bought cheaper than the actual manufacturer. This leads to the higher prices because tou will be forced to pay whatever they feel ok, no more competitive pricing

    But as HT said this style protest will not work. Raising awareness could but shutting down websites for a day isnt gonna create too much influence

    IMO... it really depends. i think a huge number of people, if they learned what this bill actually meant, and how it would affect them, would be PISSED about it. But, how do we raise awareness on a large scale, and get people to actually pay attention. i'm all ears for better ideas here guys...

  3. No, that's where you are wrong. It won't work, that is the truth of it. Please tell me what you honestly think getting some sites to close down for a day will do? HONESTLY think...not your goal...

    You use the same logic as the not buy fuel on a single day people. But what did that do? Just increase sales either the day before or the day after. After a day of playing outside people come back to the internet with no change in perception, habit, or belief. That is where you guys need to attack, not the function but the thought. Change the way people perceive it and you will start to get somewhere.

    bro... think about it, if facebook shut down for a day, and put on their page "this is what will happen indefinately if SOPA passes" ... you can't tell me you wouldnt have millions of people up in arms. that's the point... but it needs to be on a grander scale than even that... i garuntee you that not even 1 out of 10 americans has even heard of SOPA... so how do you get awareness out there? you have to do something drastic... you can disagree... that's your right... but do you have any better ideas on how to actually begin to make a change?

  4. This is just stupid. Keep the free information alive by shutting down? It's like the people who thought they could affect the oil industry tycoons by not buying gas on a day. Stopping for a single day does not show the government anything and really only hurts people since the internet has become so integrated into every day life.

    the purpose behind it is not to hurt people, rather to inform people, and since the majority of americans only really start to think about the big picture when things are either taken away from them, or just get extremely bad... thats the purpose behind it.... to show people what it will turn into, if this law is passed.

  5. Just thought i would bring this up for everyone to think about... Been trying to get every site i'm a part of to participate in this, cuz it really does affect everyone of us. If you guys don't know what SOPA is, do a little research on it... but pretty much, what it will end up doing is completely destroy the free exchange of information that the internet was built on.

    The protest on 1/18 is a HUGE number of websites that will be shutting down for the day, for 2 reasons. 1. to protest this law, and 2. to get the message out there about what our government is really doing. what you guys think?

  6. i've already done the comparison... its actually a lil bit cheaper than where i live now... just more wondering bout the palmdale/lancaster area... dont want to take a job if i have to live in a shit hole, u kno

    It's boring in Palmdale. There really isn't much to do.

    is there much within an hour or so drive?? and how is palmdale itself... ghetto? nice? etc... just trying to figure out the area

  7. heres the deal.... just got offered a job at edwards afb.... which is around the palmdale, lancaster area.... the job, pay, and everything else is pretty comprable to my current position.... so just trying to figure out more about the area. i would probably end up having to get a place around palmdale or lancaster... cuz i really dont feel like making a 2 hour drive each way to work... so.... thoughts about that area? i know its out in the desert, but thats about the extent of my knowledge of it. just trying to figure out if it would be worth putting out the coin to move cross country (live in DC now, and f*cking hate it).... more just asking about the area, cost of living, standard of living... that type of sh*t.

  8. we use it to move just about everything... but its designed to move big ass jacks used to jack up aircraft.. the have really low pads on them, so loading them on a normal trailer is almost impossible (these jacks are like 20 feet tall).... but this thing is cool as hell... even has a solar panel on it that trickel charges the battery used to run the hydro pump

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