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Status Updates posted by hibatch

  1. Had a good weekend with my angie

  2. Having a great time with my love

  3. Going to see my lover llama early today!

  4. Meeting z llama for dinner

  5. Who's going to make my favorite wings now :'(

  6. The guy next to us at kobes is mid 30s and missing his front teeth

  7. Css, still the best fps ever

  8. Mr. Kitten is Caesar

  9. Some hooker just stared me down at taco bell

  10. Giving pei wei a second chance

  11. No more rear deck rattle ftw

  12. Found narnia and a new casino all in one day

  13. In need of an atm

  14. At the llama cavern

  15. To many chocolate llamas

  16. Angie is derpina

  17. Spaghetti and arbor mist

  18. Made the llama dinner

  19. Llama never answers the phone the first time!

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