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Posts posted by KeithHollis

  1. I think very few people have any clue of how "musical" that 21 will be in that box. Where the hell do you even get a 21" sub? I have heard of that 21" by IA but I heard it was not a "musical" sub at all, but I'm just wondering, is that something you have to order and wait for? :noob: = me

    Yea you can get one through the SSA website. Ive been planning this build for a while just have to get the money :/ Now IA is having a sale and i have money to buy the sub but have to spend it fixing my truck. It does take a week or two to build and ship

    Box looks fine IMO. Nothing jumps out and says "oh shit, that's not gonna work."

    Ok, Just wanted to get some opinions on it. Is there anything you would change with this design?

    P.s. I'm scraping the idea of having the box window height. I added 2 inches i height and raise the port to 3.75in. Now its 9.85ft^t, 140in^2 port area, tuned to 34.4hz. Thumbs up or down?

  2. Hey Guys, i'm sorta new to the forum so do bash me too hard

    I am designing an enclosure for a 21" Death Penalty. This is my 4th variation: 8.533^ft, Tuned to 33hz, Kerfed port opening, Double baffle, 1 1/2 Port bracing, 1" Dowel bracing, 121^in of Port.




    This is going in a 1996 Blazer, Port faced towards the hatch. I want it to be as good as it can at being "musical", do you think it will sould all around good with this enclosure? Give me your opinions, thanks.

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