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Posts posted by Pitchblac7

  1. fra sho, fra sho ;)

    lately ive been to busy to even look at my xbox.....i need to get these towers out.  Ill be back on just been tryin to knock em dead on teh boxes lately.  After workin till 5pm and then another 3 - 4 or more on top of that working on boxes a brotha is tired.  Especially after a 9pm hot ass shower.  That tends to take me down for the count.  ;D

    speakin of XBOX live...i got owned today in halo 2...and no i dont have a 360 like everyone else but whatever...anyone else that has XBOX live, let me know your screen name and we'll get a game goin sometime...steve, it'd be nice to try and own a person like yourself in halo 2!!!

  2. im gonna put an 18" FI BTL in my trunk and i have a honda civic Lx. can anyone help me with some good demensions that will fit in my trunk but still hit hard when it comes to playing the sub? i have demensions of a box that is...

    Height: 16"

    Length: 32"

    Width: 22"

    Port: 18"x6" and 26" deep...tuned to 32 htz.

    anybody know of a better size for anything?

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