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Posts posted by TjHoffman

  1. I posed a thread last night about DC. Today Rob from dc personally called me and asked if there was anything he could do for me or give me my money back. I now know why there equipment isnt there along with like 5 other companies. Sorry for being so rude. You guys acted more professional than expected. Just want to say thanks for keeping me informed on motors and such. Cant wait until I receive my sub.


  2. Well i ordered my DC lvl4 15 the last week of march. They told me there was a 2 month wait, which i was ok with. I have called them several times. They just say oh were getting motors next week and putting them together in 20 minutes. If thats the case I should have had my sub about a month ago. This is seriously the worst backorder I have ever seen on any company. Good thing they run a company pretty well. Why would you sell something you wont even have done for 4 months+..Very disappointing.

  3. Alright, so I ordered a level 4 15 and I need help with my box. Its going to be pushed by a T1000bd and its in a blazer. 26inches wide (MAX)28inches long and 20 inches high are the max dimensions. I listen to mostly just rap.. Also how wide should the port be and should i face it to the back of my blazer up or towards the front. Sorry I am a car audio noob..just asking for some advice thanks.

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