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I am Poncho

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Status Updates posted by I am Poncho

  1. Poncho is getting so meaned about ready to poof. But lucky my manna bar is running low today so I don't think it will get cereal.

  2. yus my precious is back. so nice and clean and NO MORE LINE. so happy... :DD

  3. DEMPS- "so his last name is 'durhur'?"

  4. you know its really sad when you have to wait for a HDD to backup just to move it to a new improved home. especially when the processor thats supposed to be doing this is a single core Pentium 4 from like forever ago..

  5. so fucking tired. fucking car. fucking brakes. fucking lawns. fuck.

  6. you know i don't mind working a 12 hour day. but when you get home after a day of mowing lawns and there is hardly a sun in the sky that is just sad...

  7. At Patricks grad party. Fun fun.

  8. Nothing like a long day to start a long weekend/ week..

  9. hould have stayed at the shop and got shit done/planned for my car. tminus: 61:00:00

  10. nothing like waiting till the last week of class and getting your books and doing all your homework in class on the last day and finishing it all with 20 minutes to spare... B-)

  11. according to my tracking number, my new console and MW3 will be on my doorstep sometime today... CANNOT FUCKING WAIT!!!

  12. start day two of hell weekend

  13. off to the UPS store to send out my monitor, goodbye my precious. then who knows?

  14. FML i think this monitor is fucking defective too... :'(

  15. Well I guess I'm closing at the bar tonight.. sooo this long say continues on threw tomorrow, oh goody..

  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JESSICA!!!!1! FFUUUUUUUUUUU fuck you necromancer slut............... *screams/throws keyboard/punches wall/dies*

  17. pretty badass day today. did some stuff around the house i didnt want to do then went and hung out with some pretty awesome people like every weekend. even had an addition to the crowd. :) spree was cool. now to sleep. . .

  18. messing with the xbox trying to get it to work properly

  19. WHY AM I STILL AWAKE!??!!!!???

  20. bout to install android 2.2 on old computer tower i had laying around.. :D

  21. December 17 the skys will open up and let forth the fury that is TDWP, for today, and whitechappel. and rain mayhem onto all that's cannot handle the breakdowns. For their weak souls I pity them. I cannot wait.

  22. taking a shower getting shit together at home. going to home depot for some stuff.. then working on my car until its done..

  23. just asked myself this... why haven't i seen paranormal 3 yet?

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