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I am Poncho

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Status Updates posted by I am Poncho

  1. The sky is all ba boom ah rawr I'm.angry boom hear me ska.... Yup just likw that.

  2. joel if you like this babies of all sorts will die...

  3. Perfect end to a pretty fantastic day I think. Thank you whoever called N.P.D. on us. Truely.

  4. Haven't hurt this bad in years. Hopefully I will feel better after some sleep/drugs.

  5. nothing like planting 230+ flowers in the mud and rain...

  6. So yes should be a good day today..

  7. okay Newegg what part of "rush processing" don't you understand. i wanted to get my stuff sat. that's giving you 3 days to ship after the day i placed my order, with your 3 day guaranteed shipping... pfft. oh well looks like Monday is going to be a funday.

  8. cannot wait for monday, minus stupid bushes..

  9. lol i just ordered pizza and told the cottage inn people to draw a kool aid man on the box lid.. lets see how they do.

  10. in regards to last night, that was NOT a shit ton of wings.. and tonight was a good catching up of friends, too bad it wasn't as good as it could have been. but next weekend will be epic.

  11. i got probably the scariest part of my lights done today. videos uploading now. overall only about halfway done with everything... *sigh*

  12. ERMAIGURD! I FINALLY HAVE PROPER BASSSSS LIKE EEERR I HAVENT STOPPED SMILING SINCE 10PM DRIVING ARPOUND TESTING IT OUT. I COULD STAY OUT ALL NIGHT "TESTIING" IT OUT, but thats prob not a good idea. That all being said... its still not loud enough for me... :-P

  13. so i ask the world... why are twizzlers so addicting?

  14. sooo fucking pissed off right now. trying not to do anything stupid...

  15. what to do, what to do...

  16. happy sex and fertility celebration day.

  17. back on SMD after a overly long breakl, due to lack of funds. Had to get away from the temptation. ;P

  18. Still at work. Waiting to close up, get home, pass out, and wake up to work again in approx. 5 hours. Oh goody. Money money money..

  19. WOOOT!! my dad went and picked up all my newegg stuff thinking he was getting something for him too... lol oops SORRY.. but yus i get to finish my computer and Sean Bodrie gets his, looks like its going to be a good weekend... :D

  20. goodbye facebook. the next time ill see you is on my new computer... :DDD

  21. ahhhh waiting for monday to get here is going to kill me.

  22. hello facebook, coming to you live from Poncho's Tower. *evil laughter* muahahha ahhahahaha hahaa aahhaaaa.... yup just happened.. love this thing...

  23. Who wants to help tear apart my car right. Now. My house, starting it now.

  24. You know your family is obnoxious when you can here them screaming/yelling echoing threw the neighborhood at 10 am. Lawl.

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