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Posts posted by xStatezOfMindZx

  1. Just saw my doc today and he said to lose 30 pounds because my blood pressure is too high. So I just ordered 30 days worth of high protein meal replacement shakes. I'm going to detox, the last time I lost 25 pounds in one month. I do go visit the gym once in a full moon, but I don't make my own shakes. It just cost me about $200 for 30 days supply!

    Your kidneys will be fine unless you are overweight, and or have some type of pre-existing condition with your kidneys. I was a gym rat but since I got married and had 2 kids I don't go to the gym as much anymore. It's bad for your health, too much eye candy to get you into trouble.

    Drink plenty of water and don't overdue the supplements! People who do have problems like Kidney Stones and Liver Damage from drinking too much protein shakes or taking supplements already have pre-existing liver conditions; otherwise it has been proven that protein shakes won't damage your liver or kidneys.

    Don't take my word for it, I'm no MD but studied the subject matter in great depths and detail. Been there and done that too, shakes are better for you than eating all this man made crap, well the good tasting crap btw is bad for your kidneys. I still eat it even I know it puts on a few pounds. Got to enjoy life while your still breathing, no need to wait for tomorrow, for it may never come!

    I was going to be a PT aka personal trainer, got my training and schooling done; nobody wants to pay someone in this economy to train them. Besides, I still have my nutrition certificate and PT Cert! I love too eat hence the losing of 30 pounds.

    so i believe so far iv had two drinks both with 2 eggs in them each blended up. is it bad to eat that much or am i fine?

    Two eggs per day will not raise your cholesterol as previous taught! In fact Eating two eggs a day could help you lose weight and cut cholesterol levels, say researchers. I used to have high cholesterol from eating too much Trans fats and high total fat content meats. I still eat around 16 - 20 eggs a week and my cholesterol levels are fine. It's the red meat that is bad, but you can read research papers about having 2 eggs a day on the net. I don't eat raw eggs even if blended up, because the protein in raw eggs is only 51% bio-available, whereas that of a cooked egg is nearer 91% bio-available.

    I loved boiled eggs, quick protein and no need for butter to add to your diet! BON APPETIT

  2. Just saw my doc today and he said to lose 30 pounds because my blood pressure is too high. So I just ordered 30 days worth of high protein meal replacement shakes. I'm going to detox, the last time I lost 25 pounds in one month. I do go visit the gym once in a full moon, but I don't make my own shakes. It just cost me about $200 for 30 days supply!

    Your kidneys will be fine unless you are overweight, and or have some type of pre-existing condition with your kidneys. I was a gym rat but since I got married and had 2 kids I don't go to the gym as much anymore. It's bad for your health, too much eye candy to get you into trouble.

    Drink plenty of water and don't overdue the supplements! People who do have problems like Kidney Stones and Liver Damage from drinking too much protein shakes or taking supplements already have pre-existing liver conditions; otherwise it has been proven that protein shakes won't damage your liver or kidneys.

    Don't take my word for it, I'm no MD but studied the subject matter in great depths and detail. Been there and done that too, shakes are better for you than eating all this man made crap, well the good tasting crap btw is bad for your kidneys. I still eat it even I know it puts on a few pounds. Got to enjoy life while your still breathing, no need to wait for tomorrow, for it may never come!

    I was going to be a PT aka personal trainer, got my training and schooling done; nobody wants to pay someone in this economy to train them. Besides, I still have my nutrition certificate and PT Cert! I love too eat hence the losing of 30 pounds.

  3. Well I just got my first sound deadener too. I got it delivered on Monday 62.5 sq ft roll for $120. Today I tested it on my all metal frame spiked license plate and put some on the back of the plate also. I was getting too much rattle noise from the frame and plate so I tested it out using AudioWrap. The rattle is gone, now I got to do the back cargo area and trim pieces.

    This stuff is very sticky, it sticks to everything! I had Dynamat Xtreme Bulk Pak on my mind to order, but decided to try AudioWrap first.


  4. It works perfectly for me. I don't see any missing pics/albums

    I have no idea how to work Flickr lol

    Just create a account and that is it. You can do more with Flickr like flash sideshows and alot of cool albums created for web posting. Don't get me wrong, Photobucket is good for general stuff, but they do remove images and content. I used to run 3 websites, and most of my albums were taken down due to bandwidth issues and censorship related. I only use www.tinypic.com to post images and not storing a album of images.


  5. I would like to take that fat rollz off your hands, I don't do gaypal so you would have to settle for a personal check, or a credit card purchase....If you want shoot me an email at [email protected]. I don't use money orders since thiefs cash them!

    I do paypal only bro....sorry

    I have an old paypal account, let me find out if I can still log in and I'll hit u up in a minute.

    Alright, I was able to log in my old account....Let's do this!

    Damn I wanted this stuff hahahaha. Oh well. Twisted if things don't work out let me know.

    Thanks Twisted, all done... Money sent and I picked up the fee. Please send it to my work address listed in the paypay message, if you have any questions you can call me at work or on the cell included in the paypal.

  6. I would like to take that fat rollz off your hands, I don't do gaypal so you would have to settle for a personal check, or a credit card purchase....If you want shoot me an email at [email protected]. I don't use money orders since thiefs cash them!

    I do paypal only bro....sorry

    I have an old paypal account, let me find out if I can still log in and I'll hit u up in a minute.

    Alright, I was able to log in my old account....Let's do this!

  7. I would like to take that fat rollz off your hands, I don't do gaypal so you would have to settle for a personal check, or a credit card purchase....If you want shoot me an email at [email protected]. I don't use money orders since thiefs cash them!

    I do paypal only bro....sorry

    I have an old paypal account, let me find out if I can still log in and I'll hit u up in a minute.

  8. You got to start from the low end and get yourself up with your work experience that a person that has working, or working in a specific field or occupation for at least 2 years. You are fresh out of school and most companies don't like to hire people without any work experience.

    I had the same problem, so I took a job that paid $32K a year, and I worked myself up in the company and now I make $62K a year. Yeah it took me 12 years to get more work experience in my field, but I didn't turn down the entry level position either.

    Depressed, shitz I found out 3 weeks ago that my dad has lung and brain cancer! Now that is really makes me depressed! Oh, btw the company I work for has been in business for 46 years, so try to find a company that isn't too new to work for!



  9. So, is anyone ready for more bs? :DMy battery has been giving me issues lately, I believe the cells are dead. I pull into the parking lot at school, and the guy starts to say it's because of my 15. I'm like no man, it's still running on a 200w amp that I've had in for a bit now. My wiring hasn't changed and 200w won't damage my electrical. He then proceeds to tell me that because it's a 15, it takes more power to run the amp because it's pushing a bigger sub. I tell him that is not how it works out, and that the amp supplies consistent power regardless of the size of the subwoofer. He of course comes up with some bullshit story saying how someone he knows "blew a 1600w and a 1800w amp on a DD8". I pretty much just walked away, as this is the same guy that hadn't heard of DD before me and thinks it's a shitty brand. Then he has the nerve to tell me I don't know anything about audio and that he has alot more experience with all this. But I haven't seen anyone come close to my system, and I'm only running 200w to it. So I must be doing something right!Powerbass XA3000D, I can't wait for you to knock the socks off of this fool :D

    So, is anyone ready for more bs? :drinks:

    Watch and enjoy :lol:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYpS9jV1r8c

  10. I enjoy all of the SMD boosted jams, but I noticed that everybody is focused on the low end stuff and not so much of the high-frequency content. I like listening to some old school freestyle music aka electronic music. Music with lots of high-frequency content. Looking for someone to make some great high hittin tweet noise!

    Just looking for something to give my Alpine SPR-17S a workout! I like the old school rap style of the crashing of the cymbals, along with the high hats hitting as hard as the sub notes.

    Wav files would be a better format since MP3 fomat is lossy codec which would defeat this purpose, since MP3's will discard all audio information above the 16-KHz threshold.

    I prefer Audio fidelity/quality anything in pcm, wav, or mastered formats. MP3's, some can get by at 320kbs with the right settings.

    Right now I have the C/O set at level 0db, I could add +3db to the crossover but I don't feel like taking off the door panels again.

    Thanks for taking a look at this request!

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