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Posts posted by r33

  1. All audio is run through the 4 channel amp which outputs to the monoblock. Ill have to mess around with it tomorrow, Also with the monoblock, turning the gain towards 250mv raises the volume and turning towards 8v lowers it. Not sure if thats normal or not.

    Also, On my cd player would it be better to set the amp lower and turn the volume up higher on the cd player? Right now I am getting my music loud by around 18, Maximum volume is 40

  2. I dont think ill be able to find an oscope anywhere. Would it be better to send the audio input to the monoblock or 4 channel first then output it to the other. All the audio gear is just cheap stuff. Head unit only has one pre out so I have to split the signal to the amps, Does this half the signal so whichever amp is getting audio from the other is recieving a weakened signal meaning the amps level has to be turned up more?

  3. I have just put a cheap 4 channel amp in to power my speakers because my other one died of old age. Now every amp I have used usually had a gain control knob. This amp is just a cheap one and is 4x45rms and I set the level to about 75% so my music is at a good volume. I was just wondering if level and gain was the same thing, Or does this mean my amp is continuously running 4x45 and the level has nothing to do with power output?


    That is the amp with diagrams there. I was just unsure if using the amp at 75% level was ok. Also I connected a 600w Cadence Monoblock amp which gets its audio from the 4 channel and the gain is set at around 90% to get decent bass out of the 600w Cadence sub.

    My old 4 channel was a 4x200 and the monoblocks gain only had to be set to around 60% for the ammount of bass im getting now.

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