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Posts posted by 2loudisjustright

  1. Thanks guys ill see if i can get some pictures of how it was when we first got it. I was 9 i think and im 20 now so weve had it awhile, still needs some work but not bad for a poor boy haha. If yall have any ideas on something yall would do let me know im always open to new ideas.

    Nice car man. The only thing i would do is get some msd red plug wires and run em clean!! Car looks good tho! And i love that impala!! I'm partial to impalas myself since i have a '65 impala!

  2. You should through some extra goodies n the boxes for those who waited a long time! They do have stickers it the box right?

    why? cause they didnt tell you it would be a long wait? because of a shortage that had nothing to do with them? would it be nice? sure. but asking for free stuff over something that im sure lost DC a lot of money... come on.

    A lot of companies already throw in free stickers. I'm sure they would not lose money for just putting a sicker in there.

    I would be glad to get the subs in themselves tho! Glad to see an update!!

  3. Hey everyone, didn't see a newbie forum so I figured the DC forum wouldn't mind.

    So, I hopped on the bandwagon last October and I must say I was way more than satisfied. Sadly I will be getting rid of the Dakota soon(12mpg) for economical reasons, and with a new vehicle comes a new setup. I plan on upgrading to a pair of 10"s and was wondering the best method of selling my old equipment. Only being 17, would I be able to post an ad in the For Sale forum? Or should I just try my luck locally?

    Man that sucks on your dakota only getting 12mpg. Wonder why yours is so bad? I have a 99 dakota rt and the only time mine has gotten that bad a fuel mileage is pulling a trailer with two heavy atv's on it. Most of the time around town i get anywhere from 14 to 16 mpg depending on how i drive and the last time i took a little trip, i got right at 20 mpg!

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