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Posts posted by pur3fknpawah

  1. Alright im sorry that it's taking so long im getting hammered with work. O.o no worries tho. This cut out of the amp is a little rough. But heres what i have so far (I would use PM's but it's not working with this browser)


    But the picture of that Truck that you wanted. Well

    It's not very good quality (A low Pixel camera took it)

    And also i don't think it would look to good. But it's up to you if you want it on or not.

    It would also make it look crowded.

    Need some opionon! :)


    Poniac. here you go


    My bad hehe :P I forgot to make it repeat im sorry

  2. :mad: :mad: go read my post I had a good week on ebay well I NEVER EVER EVER have =money in my paypal account and as soon as i do BLAM they limit my account motherfuckers they said some shit about some unusual activity like what mother fuckers me buying shit and sell it ?! What the Fuck Fuck paypal now i have to jump thru hoops to get this shit figured out cause i just bought a 360.2 !!!!

    Paypal is fuck tards. I dont wanna be a dick but

    No your paypals going to locked for aprox a month. belive me i went through this more times then i can count.

    Sorry to hear.

  3. bro.. i told yeah you can get it in there... even if the box was too big to get in the trunk door, you could lay down the back seat to get in it.. :) that accord would be bangin..

    I am working on your Team Xtreme sticker BTW.. i didnt get my 800 tax return when i was suppost to.. so i am little bit behind on the stickers and website.. send me a message on AIM!!!

    I sent you 1. I'm still waiting for you to get FTP.

    I messured my trunk did some math i can squeeze the box in the trunk if i build it right. I need 600 more buck's for the XXV COL. And then ima get 2 dc lvl 4 15''s. Then upgrade my alt to 200amps.


    He's gonna slam me down with order's i should have everything i need within 1 - 2 months :D

  4. <_< My type r's are loud but I'm not that happy with them anymore. I picked up my 2nd job so i can make money to blow. <_< No not cocaine :lol:

    I want to go with 2 15''s this time. I really don't want to loose my back seat's (Wall it off) And if i cant fit 2 15''s in the trunk i might just wall it off and put 2 18'' Re's or FI's.

    But im thinking about going with 2 dc 15'' level 4's or

    2 15'' FI.Q's


    My trunk is 54''w 34''d 16''h

  5. All in all it's like i said all a radar detector will tell you is that your going to get fined if you where speeding.

    It's a bad investment However.

    Some radar jammer's DO work. But usually they don't

    You can make a homemade radar jammer pretty cheaply. Mount it in your front grill.

    Don't invest in one honestly. It (MIGHT) save you from a speeding ticket.

    But it's not gonna save you from wrecking becuase you where going to fast and didn't have time to react to that car pulling out infront of you or cutting you off.

    And it wouln't pay for your funeral so just don't speed anything 5 over the speedlimit your going to fast.

  6. hmm...Cali must use a different frequencies then CO. When I took my high speed driving course me and the instructor (local sheriff) got to talking about radar detectors and not one that he pulled out was 1) able to detect the laser 2) went off after the radar already responded with a speed signal.

    Our local sheriffs are using a new laser that can not only detect how fast you are going, but they can also measure in milliseconds, how close you are to the car in front of you for tailgating laws.

    There's alot of way's they get you.

    Helicopter's. Airplane's

    My dad got a speeding ticket from being in a speed trap and got caught by a airplane not to long ago. <_<

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