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Posts posted by beat2deth

  1. for some reason, im now really considering buying the maps to try them out, despite the fact that the last 5 times ive tried to play BO, its taken no more than 30 seconds for me to feel like throwing my controller and destroying my comp monitor. and as much fun as the new maps can be, i know that all of the kids are just going to find the best corner they can sit in and just camp the shit out of it just like they do everytime a map pack drops.

    ugh :(

    edit - if anyone wants to play, GT is beat2deth

  2. try and get your money back. but dont attack the guy over the phone. kindness goes a good ways. unless hes a dick about it.

    He was chill and so was I. But why you say that? Am I right, the rubi is better? Lol that sooo annoying haha

    if the specs really do indicate that the one you wanted was better, then dont lowball yourself. im no expert on the whole acoustical/electrical aspect, so i cant speak on the specs personally. but as i said, just calm him up and have a calm conversation and let him know that you dont really want that amp, and you can send it back if its already been sent out and you just want your money back.

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