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Everything posted by TheNewbie

  1. Is there any other way to set my gains without O-scope, or a DD-1?
  2. Alright, well least i know to turn it down now.. i'll wait till i can get the DD-1 and a DMM so i can set everything properly.. Sorry for the obviously stupid question. Time to turn the amp down.
  3. Was outside listenin to some music, seeing what raddles so i know where i need to eliminate the raddle, i went back inside the car and it smelled very closely like MDF board, I recently made this box so i figure that's possibe. I smelled right by the port, it's mdf board and something else. Not to strong. So i took it inside, took out the sub and theres a bunch of saw dust in there. So i'll be vacumming that out. But what was the other smell? I have my amp half gain it's 1000rms. Could it be my voltage is droppin low so it's clipping it to hell? Eclectrical is stock right now. Off topic, not sure why the Could is in the Title haha sorry bout that.
  4. Yeah man i do get why it gets so expensive haha, it's alright i gotta get my setup solid first anyways. I was watching Wicked's vid about his new job, and saw the work the guy did ont he door, for new speakers. What's the exact term for that? Would be something to learn about as well. Maybe something to try before the sub idea.
  5. Funny picture hahaha. What exactly do you mean calculate amp wattage from a DMM vs what it's rated? Such as what it can push cleanly? On topic, i'd laugh pretty hard if this thread was deleted as well
  6. Gotta upgrade my electrical, can't have my lights dimming, hopefully with better electrical i get more bass (;

  7. Oh, yeah i've already done it for that long haha. That's a shame.
  8. How long should i leave it for? Im pretty sure the batt is bad because the guy i bought it from sold me the car with jumper cables inside of it. haha. But better electical = more bass?!
  9. Alright, sounds good.. thanks guys, one last question. Seeing this i would assume my voltage is dropping pretty low. With the big 3, and the other battery will this help the sub be louder? Pretty loud already but im always up for more bass
  10. It's all your fault.. you gave me that beast of a sub haha cheers mate. i have not done the big three yet still waitin on some 1/0 gauge wire to do it. So after i replace this battery, depending on what kind it is most likely XS would i have to put another battery to help support the system?
  11. So for the fourth time in two weeks my car's died and i've had to get a jump. The battery is a durlast not sure what it's resting at right now, will check soon. But playing music for 2-3 min in accesories, with bass adjustments on the deck in the negative, and the volume around 10 out of 60 it won't start after. So i try to make sure i don't play my music on accesories simple as that. The past three times i've left my lights on for eh. 5-10 min while i went to get something. I get in the car and it won't start up. So my question is after the big three upgrade,what battery would be efficient enough to put under the hood to help me support my DC level 3, being pushed around 750-800 watts and not die after a minute of accidently leaving the headlights on. Thanks fellers
  12. So im looking up voice coils at the moment as im reading it states "By driving a current through the voice coil, a magnetic field is produced. This magnetic field causes the voice coil to react to the magnetic field from a permanent magnet fixed to the speaker's frame, thereby moving the cone of the speaker" by this do they mean, the more layers of voice coil i get the more excursion there will be on the sub because of the magnetic force?
  13. Well that was convinent, Sundown had there prices listed http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/101673-re-cone-prices/
  14. Alright man thanks, i'll see if i can message them and get some numbers. The basket has to fit to a 10 inch sub if that's what i want to cone it to correct? That's all.
  15. But anyways, how much would you figure it would be to order soft parts for a ten inch from dc, sundown, or Skarr? If you haven't ever had to purchase the soft parts i'll look it up, just wondering if you knew offhand. F
  16. what motor do you have? might be able to get a softparts replacement kit or a recone mostly per-assembled. which is what many of the china manufactures do any way. Not many build the subs from start to end. Haha, well i'd like to buy the motor, buy a basket, voice coil and start putting it together if they would sell those parts. I don't have a motor right now, just looking into how much it would all be for future reference, most likely after Christmas. thats cool, just though id let you know that some reputable manufactures dont even truly make their own. Suppose the price will come down to which motor you end up getting. Monster sub re-cones will run you over a 100 bucks so assuming you can get the right parts id guess you will be under that by a hair assuming you dont get screwed as these parts are usually mass produced and sold. To start maybe buy some cheap speakers and take them apart and get a good understanding but sounds like you have a good head on shoulders so it might just work out if you stick to it even if the first try dont work as planned. Yeah, thanks man i appreciate it greatly, i'll end up getting a motor for under 70 bucks, actually saw a dc level 3 motor same sub i have in my car, would be awesome to cone it to a 10. Then again i'd have to find a basket that would fit a ten. 100 bucks? Hmm that's duable to learn. I figure i'd have to research on why does the of the way the basket is made matters, the coils ect so i'd end up learning alot more. Plus have a sub that i put together, i take pride in that
  17. what motor do you have? might be able to get a softparts replacement kit or a recone mostly per-assembled. which is what many of the china manufactures do any way. Not many build the subs from start to end. Haha, well i'd like to buy the motor, buy a basket, voice coil and start putting it together if they would sell those parts. I don't have a motor right now, just looking into how much it would all be for future reference, most likely after Christmas.
  18. Can't seem to find them.. "Foreverbumpin" and "PSI" right?
  19. Sounds good, i'll pm them both. Thanks I appreciate it. Hope all this goes well sounds fun.
  20. So i've been seeing alot of motors for sale recently, being fairly new to car audio. I decided what better way to learn about the sub than to put one together? Being that im only 17 i'd most likely go with pretty cheap not to well made parts. I would need a voice coil, cone, motor, trying to figure out what else. I know theres more haha. But also how much would you figure this would cost me to put together? Im not looking for it to push 1000w or even 200w just would like to throw one together just as a learning experience. Thanks in advance.
  21. ^ this is what i was wondering. So noone ever does it. Thanks haha.
  22. Nah, wasn't planning on it. I have the setup i want (ported) was just curious figure i'd try to learn something out of it. Thanks.
  23. Lol, alright. Just confused the hell out of me when he was explaining it haha. Thanks fellers
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