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Posts posted by TheNewbie

  1. Yeah the only reason i didn't go with that CJ is because i was told that the clipping light isn't something that i should rely on. That it's not accurate. So your saying I should have my gains cranked up all the way then have my bass knob in adjust the bass knob till i see a clipping light then back it down. That i can do! I just want to clarify this is what you are saying. Alsoo how can i be sure im not pushing the subs to hard :P im sure i'd be able to hear it.

  2. Right 800 a sub is what i can play them with being safe about it. THere dc's lvl3's on a 2k mono amp, that's a whole nother question that i will have after i have this figured out would be Would i be able to bridge the 2k mono dc amp. The amp it'sself pushs 2krms at 1 ohm. So im not sure if i would be able to hook up the subs so that i could get a 1 ohm load between the two subs so that it will push 1k rms to each, and just tune my gain down a bit so that it is 800 each then be sure it's not clipping. So is bridging the 2k amp to the 2 dc subs possible. Being that it's a mono amp

  3. no probably not unless you go to a quality shop. you need to see what your amp does untill it gets clipped then clamp it to see what your getting out of it and then tune anything lower than what the oscope settings were.

    Okay well this might have just answered my question i posted, i read this closer, so basicly they will test my amp to see what it will push without being clipped, then clamp it at that power to see what it's really pushing, then put my gain to anything lower than what it said it was clipping at? This will def be a job for the shop as im fairly new to this im just wanting to make sure im getting the full potential out of the equiptment i will be purchasing. Not putting 200 watts to a 800 watt sub. In case it clears anything up the subs and amp will be lvl3 dc's 2 of those and a 2k amp. from dc

  4. Hey guys, the thread that's probably still up in the top 6-8 is regaurding the lvl4's or 5's i beleive i can't really remember.. horrible memory i know. But as for the level3 motors how long would you think the wait would be. If ordered in this week or the next. Also im ordering from a local dealer, so are the subs being provided to the dealers before people that ordered? Or would the dealers basicly act as people and going by the order date no matter who does the ordering weather it be a normal person, or a shop dealer. Thanks for the feedback. Im wondering the same thing as the guy in the other thread is , just a different level.

  5. Yeah i'l have hem set by an o-scope but im not sure what you mean luis im trying to figure out if they will set it with an o-scope to get them to there full potential as well as my amp without clipping, or if i can tell them put so many watts to each sub and make sure it's not clipping and distorting. Also as for depends on the shop, there all authorized by kicker ect. Mainstream brands i would hope they have an oscope so i'll be sure to ask before they set my things up. :)

  6. Well seeing how this thread is still popular haha, i have another question im about to get the 2k amp to 2 lvl3 dc's put about 800 watts each hopefully, i guess the shop will set it till it doesn't distort so i really don't have any say in how many watts goes to each, but all i have to do is bridge the amp right? Since it is a mono amp. And put the amp to a one ohm load?

  7. Hey guys, title pretty much says it all, do the sub that you buy need time to break in, does it varry from brand to brand, such as some don't test theres that's why you need to break it in, i've heard various answers to the questions, if it's any help im wondering if DC's will need to be "Broke in". Honestly any sub for that matter. Thanks guys!! Guess the title doesn't say it all haha, my fail error, i ment subs, little tired here.

  8. Alright well im still fairly new to this so i'll try to explain it to you the best that i can, basicly it's when your amp starts to push dirty power into your sub causing it to clip. It can hurt your amp as well as your sub.Usually it occurs when you try to push your amp to hard or above what it can produce amps usually have a certain amount of power they can push out that's "Clean" power you start to clip when you go above that the only way you can tell if you are going above it or not is to get an oscope or smd dd1, ifyou have your gains cranked all the way this could also be a problem.. If anyone else has a better defenition please go right ahead, still learning as well :P Also there is a tool called an o-scope or the SMD DD1 the smd detects distortion before you start to clip, so you can set your gains and find the max volume on your head unit without clipping. Here is a site to help you out mate http://www.caraudiocentral.net/forums/showthread.php?11863-What-is-quot-clipping-quot it's basicly what i said just in english :P

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