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Posts posted by TheNewbie

  1. Well im glad you gotta laugh outta me haha. Well now i got the info i need ill get a good 2000wrms amp run them 1000w each without clipping should be perfect :) i got a question though jd, hopefully it's a good one lmao. On the little system i have now, on the bass knob theres a greed and then it turns to red sometimes what exactly is this, im sure it's nothing good :peepwall: and if it's a fail well.. feel free to laugh your ass off at me :lol:

  2. K thanks JD and Jman, not trying to be hard headed, im trying to learn, it's more difficuult for me because i don't understand some of the terms. Still reading on it, i don't try to act like i know everything because i know very little when it comes to car audio so im trying to get alot of options. But yeah just for you jman i'll be done, ill just read some info and stop posting.im sure google can answer my questions lmao. Talk to you later.

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