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Posts posted by eltortuga94

  1. It's been doing that with me as well. I've been using the mic to see where the songs peak at. I disable the mic, then enable it again so that it drops to the bottom. Then I drag it across the screen so I can clearly see where the song peaks at. Hope I helped!

    Yea, when I was recording my gmas old records through the mic it started acting weird but luckily I got it all figured out.

    what? not sure i understand, use screenshots

    if anyone can helps its me :drinks:

    I got it all sorted out but thanks man for sure man.

  2. idk if this has happened to any of you guys using Audacity but I was slowing some songs n stuff & when I go to check what amplitude the bass is, it's always around -1 db's & I know it can't be with what songs I was doing. I made sure that my plot spectrum is on spectrum, function on hanning window, size 16384,& axis on log. If anybody could help it would be very much appreciated.

  3. Has anybody ever used anything like this? It's a turntable to record your records onto your computer, pretty cool invention.

    So anyways I'm currently uplaoding Billy Joels' - Glass Houses & idk if it was his producers, masters, engineers or the turntable its-self but when looking at the songs in audacity even if you amplify a song 0.01 db past the default it's just one big red line. I read somewhere that Records were supposed to has amazing SQ & that's why alot of SQ guys listen/use them in their house. I'm honestly surprised because this is horrible.

  4. How does it sound with the -5 track? I was thinking about going with -10 for my highs/mids/subs unless someone recommends other wise.. I want it to be loud and clear

    I would start with -0 for highs just to see how it sounds.

    You should tune your sub amp to what music you listen to, if you listen to alot of decaf, bigpimpin, etc, then set subs to -5 or -0 to be safe, if you listen to alot of "punchy" rock with loud kick drums then set amp at -10, & if you listen to songs that don't have very much bass at all like oldies then set amp @ -15. It's all relative to what music you listen to.

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