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Status Updates posted by Pep469

  1. Some people are destined to be great friends but not partners :)

  2. Goin to our last stop only 45 min away though....

  3. im not sure how to use this but i will try to learn but i am mrpep469 on youtube i have many videos :-)


  5. SWEET SMURFS !!!!! forget brainy i am BBQ SMURF :D

  6. Thank you LandonR13 for the demo :D

  7. Benefits of being spaniard & blak :)

  8. Would someone please hurry up n build a time machine for the public use :o

  9. I don't wana jinx it but so far we back on the road from being stranded for a bit...

  10. Did someone say parrilladas ???? :D

  11. Good mornin facehookers :D

  12. I hope da crazy sports fanatic bastard behind me don't try to ask me about sports he even stopped the waiter to argue about defense or I will talk about sound systems to his ass :D

  13. Wooooo I found a dunkin donuts and they even had chocolate cream filled donuts... :D or did I pass on the ride there???? :/ would this b heaven :)

  14. Eat dirt fishes.. :o we on our way home woooooooooo...........

  15. Hurray it's Saturday time for sum relaxation heck im gonna sleep all day :D yaaaayyy

  16. Sooo.... One of my partners was fixing up his vanilla ice mustang and crashed it.... Heart transplant donor might be the word my van is looking for ;) in a 5.0 sorta way

  17. Ohhhhhhh damnit ladies get yur dollars out cause I might have to start stripping to get some bus fair money :D team LLA is gonna be doing a extreme build and I wanna b there when it's ready !!!!! Damn it bill Douglas

  18. I know some of the worlds coolest bassheadz :) gonna shake at least one or more Xmas trees for shure this Xmas :D

  19. So all I can do is miss my kids these days... Wonder how they are doing... what they are thinking... and what they are living... In a couple of days from now :D have fun w the shovels

  20. Got one foot out the door this morning :)

  21. Just standing near front door now... :) almost 1

  22. I handed my phone out to play where is this going so I didn't get it on film but dang dashboards were jumping :D

  23. Wooo hooooo were almost done...!!! just got 6 more stops and should be home by about 8:30 or 9 pm if we're lucky :D thank you Freightliner for breaking down as after as u do :o

  24. About to go workout :o woot woot

  25. Finally finished workin out.... That is all :)

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