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Texas Tech

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Posts posted by Texas Tech

  1. your amp looks like it only needs one input... i dont know waht the output one is exactly, because ive never used it so ive never had to wonder or research or ask someone, but i think the output RCA is to connect to another amp? i could be wrong about that though. But so, you would use another RCA cable to connect that amp to another

    So those Y-cables are for when you have less RCA outputs than you have amps?

  2. I think its priced for one of them. so what was it like 69.99 for one of them. The reviews were good (3 reviews at the bottom). They look cool, and now that i understand that the grill/guard can come off, it looks even more appealing to me. I might buy 2 of them and do something with them. They look like some cool, little subs/midbass speakers. plus they are 4 ohms, so that makes it even better, i have a P300.1 laying around, hook those up that that amp, should be cool.

  3. I saw that actually, while searching for shallow mount subs at the onlinecarstereo.com website. I saw it was a 6.5 shallow mount sub, as it was described. However i remember also looking at ohter websites and it described this same "sub" as a speaker for more of midbass.Let me see if i can find the link on the onlinecarstereo website, or if i am actually mistaken.

  4. Damn i forgot to say one thing, since i learned this lesson first hand i want to say it to anyone who is making a fiberglass project for one of their first times. before you actually apply the chop matt (fiberglass), soak the material with resin only, first and let it dry. If you dont do this, if you add the chop matt along with the resin first, it can warp the shape of what you want slightly. Someone credible told me to do this on this website (dont remember who) and i also read it in the back of a CA&E magazine in the How-to section.

  5. hey, I havent dont much fiberglassing experience either. I made ONE kick panel and now im trying to pull together a center console. All my supplies have come from homedepot,lowes, and even walmart carries just about all the same products as lowes and homedepot as far as fiberglassing is concerned. They dont really have a variety of selection for chop matt,resin,hardner, or body filler. The only things i have bought that was not from one of those stores was gold rage body filler and CA Glue.

    As far as what size matt to use, i really dont know. I just bought what they had at lowes, and used that kind. You can do multiple layers to make it stronger and stronger so.

    the resin i used was from lowes, i think its like bondo or home solutions brand. Its the only kind of resin they had.

    I went to Joan's and bought some fleece. i bought like 4 yards i think. It was kind of expensive.

    Soemthing I bought that was very important in wrapping fleece was CA Glue. It Helps for anything and everything you need to glue together, it has a very strong hold.

    I dont really understand the question, how do i mount them? All i know is use some sort of wooden dowls to mount the MDF rigns that will hold/house your speakers. I used CA glue to glue all this stuff together, later on applied resin/hardner to provide more support for the dowls, but after fiberglass is applied, i guess it doesnt matter so much.

    When smoothing it out, i just sand with a 60 or 80 grit to even it out , and then i work up from there, 150,220, and so on. If you are going to carpet it, or wrap it with soem vinyl or something they say you dont have to be as particular with sanding it really smooth, Also you dont have to sand the grain out entirely, because you can use fillerprimer

  6. I went crzy for two reasons. My girlfriend that i went to college with broke up with me the first day i got there. and the second reason is because i was so sheltered and protected before college, my parents made every single desicion for me, literally. They chose what i did, when i did it and how i did it. I had freedom for the first time and was independent, didnt handle it very well.

  7. Does anyone know a process which works great with painting enclosures. Id much rather paint an enclosure black rather than covering it with carpet. I have seen that "house paint" is better to use because it wont be soaked into the wood as much as a "spray paint" would. I am not about to paint an enclosure, but i know i will in the future.

  8. So I went to Texas Tech this fall. Before the fall i went out to tech in the summer for that internship with the EE dept., and as i was doing that, i took a summer class, calculus I. I got a D in the class, and since that was technically a semester, i was immidietly put on academic probation, a D was a 1.00 for my GPA. So this fall i needed to get a 2.00 or better to be off of probation, and if i did not get it, i would be suspended. Well, I of coruse slacked off, became the most unresponsible ive ever been in my life, and blew school off. So when this semester ended i was suspended. However thats not the worst part. My plan was to go back home for this upcoming spring semester and go to a local community college, take my classes over and start over kind of. Well it turns on that when you are suspended, you are suspended from every single Texas Public college/university, even junior colleges. So i can not go anywhere this semester, and now i will be a year behind. So if you get put on academic probation, dont fuck up. You will be out of school for even longer.

    I do feel like i got screwed, because after only one class i was put on probation, but thats how it is. Anyways, its not the worst thing in the world, but it definetly isnt great.

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