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Posts posted by Grelko

  1. Thanks guys for the replies. But alot of what you are showing me are bigger than 8's. The box in my truck is for 8's.


    on sale $69+ shipping 8" 250 rms, 500 peak


    JBL $54+ shipping 8" 800w peak "200-250 rms?"

  2. i was wondering if you can put seats like Recaro, Bride, etc in a 2000 Astro van? i really hate the stocks and how uncomfortable they are.

    I don't see any problem doing that, you might have to drill some new holes to get the bolts to line up though. I put Dodge seats in my Chevy G30, they don't move forward/backward anymore though since they're bolted to the frame but they still recline.

    If your wondering about more of an exact fit, you can always ask a couple shops to see how much it would cost for an install.

  3. Noobish question...

    The van is white, after sanding etc. and getting all the patchwork finished I was going to get it painted black.

    Since it's starting out white, should I use grey primer first to help darken it a bit before hitting it with the black primer or, is it ok to just go with the black primer right over white primer/paint and not have it show through? Seeing if I can save a couple bucks on a budget.

  4. I wasn't sure which section to put this in. If the vid doesn't work, just click the link.

    Just a couple pics from the cruise, the orange truck has I think it's called an independant axle?

    He was coming up the street completely sideways at one point but I forgot to switch my camera to video.



















    video here


  5. That wouldn't be too bad, if i just did 25-30% of the van, say the ceiling and back doors, then that would cut it down to around 120-150sq, but I'll check what vibrates the worst in the van since it echos in there first because, it might just be a certain part of the ceiling making it sound like everything else is. I could always just start with a couple small pieces here and there and check the difference as i put it in.

  6. HOLY CRAP Grelko! What are you doing?!

    slowly building frankenstein lol

    quick math, interior space in feet is something close to 16x6x7

    I think floor to ceiling is more around 5'4" instaed of 6' so round down a bit

    each wall 96sq

    ceiling/floor 112sq

    backdoors 36-42sq

    front doors 18sq? , metal bracing around the dash/windshield couple more sq sliding door taken into account as part of the passanger wall.

    total near 420-450 all metal, vibrates horribly

    take off about 30-40 sq for windows

    unless my math is COMPLETELY broke from being tired

    i could be off by 50-100 or something, but its a fullsize van, extended on the back couple feet.

  7. I took a good bit of time to read tons of everything about everything lol.

    and yes, the older posts i had up in this topic were pretty shitty.

    So, I've finally made a decision.

    .75 up to 2.25in. of MDF, making the box myself 52.5 wide, 35.25 high, 20+ depth. "up to 48 depth if needed" tuned low 30-35 with a slot port

    8x Street Duty SDC2.0-12-D4 500w 250wrms

    2x Audioque AQ1200D 1200 rms amplifiers

  8. the interior of my van is all metal, gotta start out somewhere, putting in a 2k+ rms system soon and working up to something sick "say 16x or more 12"s 1500rms each, over the next 5 yrs or so for spl comps, figured if the 400w makes it vibrate this bad, i might aswell get a decent bit of deadener in there to get one of the first big things out of the way

    edit- bad thing is... the 450sq would be one layer

  9. depending on what u want to go with as far as wheels, if u wanna stay with steel wheels then they arent bad at all on price. something like this V V V V V is only like $60 bucks a wheel (black/chrome/white)




    then tire wise they will prob start in the $130 ish price range for the LT kind

    id hook u up, come down to discount tire lol

    the black rims would look good since im painting the van black after its patched up, hell, i think the last rim i bought for it was around $150+ i could swear it was used, lol man id take a road trip if it wasn't almost $200 to fill the old beast up "43 gallon tank"

  10. just thinking, if i ever wanted to switch over to the 16s, anyone have a guess on the price of converting it over? tires keep gettin harder to find each year, itd be damn hard to keep most parts stock for cruises if i cant find them

    edit- shipping couldnt be THAT bad compared to the price the shop wanted for each

    just checked shipping would be $16.80 each

  11. hell yeah, thats what im talking about, the shop up town was tryin to suck out close to $350 per tire, at only $150 from that site, i should just get the 4 they have in stock when i get paid :D

    thanks for all the help guys

    its for my old 84 van

  12. Within the next couple months I'll need to get 2 new tires for my van.

    first of all, good luck lol

    16.5R 8.75LT theres no info about anything like 215 etc on them anywhere, the actual specs for tires in the drivers door say the 16.5x 8.75 I'm trying to keep as much original stuff I can with it for cruises.

    If anyone happens to know some shops around the Pittsburgh Pa area, please send a Pm, these are getting hard to find... I've been looking around and only found 1 shop that "might" be able to get them, but they're not even close to being cheap.

  13. The selling point is that you will use less product to achieve better results. This will save you time, effort, and money. When you're looking at $140 retail to do an entire vehicle, doesn't that sound awesome?

    Now only if I could get that $140 retail deal for my entire vehicle, gonna need 450+ sq ft, but, by the VERY OFF CHANCE that I could, then I'd place an order around the 4th lol

    the quote broke on me

    As it stands right now, Alpha Damp looks like it will be running around $7.00 a sq. ft. RETAIL.

    hmmm, so more like $3,150 total, the van only cost me $1000 lol, If its REALLY worth it, I very well just might look into getting some after finishing up with the restorations

  14. I'm not sure if anyone already linked this but... Carcruises.com has a list of TONS of cruises/shows online just click on cruise dates theres a section that you can choose the month and what state. Shows, dates, times, locations.

    Please delete this if you find any reason this shouldn't be linked, copyright etc.

    Just spreading the news about cruises, some might not be on the site but you can let them know about one in your area if it isn't on the site and they'll put it there.

  15. Most irrelevant thread jack ever. Lol. No idea on displacement here. And as for port back in the blazer...nothing wrong at all. Very good for daily.

    ya it was kind of irrelevant, just noticed the box design and it was similar to mine so i tossed out the question lol. anyways, people say i start too many new topics so i was tryin to calm it down a bit

  16. learn ohms law it will help a lot

    the more im on here the more im learning :) 2-3 hrs a day reading all i can about all the diff topics to save a ton of money in the long run

    edit- back in the first post i wasnt sure which amps i would be using, leaning towards the AQ1200d if that makes too much of a diff or not? prolly wont be at full gain, subs rated 250rms ill only be trying to put 200-250 into each. figure itd be loud enough as it is with 8x anyways lol

  17. 70 amp would be a different story :)

    the alt that i have in there right now is the cheapest i could get just to run the van, think either 50-63 or less lol? the 6 yr old 400W system..more like 85rms amp and 2x 10"s in there now radioshack FTW..wait,i mean FT-broke, dims the dashboard/radio lights when the bass hits if its up 3/4 way. Upgrading to the 140A and someday after getting more cash saved up i was going with atleast a 300-350A for SPL. That wont be for another couple years after re-upgrading the system and getting more power going,

    I should be able to get the H/O alt within a couple months so i can look to the future from there on

    also wondering if i should get my stock wires upgraded, no idea on how much actual amps im running atm (probably 6 lol) no power anything, pump the gas pedal couple times. so i figure the stock electrical is maybe around 8-12g looks real bad under the hood for now, been doing body work lately.

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