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Posts posted by BoRobinson

  1. Here is the lowdown so you guys get an idea if you actually read this before watching the video. This is my buddy Joshua Gatlin grew up with him went threw school with him he has always had some amazing songs but never got into the videos so after a bunch of bullshitting and a buddy of ours having a sick camera we decided its a must to film a video so this is the product of it. let me know how you guys like it, if its something you would actually listen to and just general feedback

    its been awhile since i been on any of the forums as far as car audio goes, maybe someone can fix this so the video is up lol.

  2. and it honestly sounds good too so best of both worlds if you ask me

    thanks man!! glad u like it! its still just as clean with the new box, which is just want i was wanting. but its louder:)

    did you end up using those 4 areos? nd did you paint it big bird yellow like ur last one :lol:

    but cool man once i get my recones nd new box we can exhange demos at the next show or somthing

    im game for demos! i love me some demos! and yess i used 3 4" areos. the ports them selfs r pvc pipe but i used the flares off the ones i had with me. and nahhh didnt paint it yet:/ think ima paint it barney purple

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