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Posts posted by Ian01

  1. Yes, I did a quick search; and yes this could probably be in another section.. anyways with that said..

    What does a sub or speaker sound like when it bottoms out?

    I have some 6x9s running on a 4 channel giving them a little more juice than RMS, and was curious, with the volume cranked I get some noise but I can't really describe it at this moment.. seems to be on certain songs (maybe when a frequency set for that speaker is loud). Subs are ran at RMS on stock power supplies so if that what it is.. I'd be digging out the warranty..

  2. I also was on Amazon trying to figure out how to plug my laptop into my 43 inch Samsung.. <_<

    A few things to note about my situation..

    1. my laptop is VGA only
    2. my 43 inch, 500 dollar, plasma tv only supports RCA and HDMI where as the 32 inch Toshiba I bought my mother for christmas supports all those AND VGA (go figure)

    So as kick ass as my TV is at playing xbox.. my puny laptop just won't see eye to eye with the TV :(

    Later on down the road I'll just get a new desktop and a graphics card with an hdmi port built in..

  3. Alright, there are two kits at this site I'm looking at and plan on getting.. first one is a 6 pc million color kit this automatically has more colors, and the right amount of tubes. The second one I'm looking at as fewer tubes, but are bigger.. the 4 pc expandable 7 color kit..

    I have a mid-size sedan and want to illuminate my front kicks, rear foot space, and the trunk area so I will need six tubes. Anyways, this seems like a no brainer since the two kits are almost the same price, but I want to see if anyone can come up with any reasoning to get one or the other.

    Also for whoever cares, the site DealExtreme has a loooot of LED lights to replace your dome, license, and whatever else has old school bulbs you may want to upgrade. I've done plenty of business with this site (vouch).

  4. Yes if you run them together it can cause interference. Hear engine whine sounds like your driving a really tiny ricer car through your speakers. Do yourself the favor and run them away from eachother, better to take advice and do it right than to risk it and question later

    i get that with subs off <_<:rofl:

    OP maybe something like this would help you out?


    Damn, thanks for finding that. The link that was posted on a different forum (that I found last night) was to Stinger's site but was out dated so I had no idea what they were really linking me to. If this keeps up I will definitely try that!

  5. I run them down each side of the car, but my subs RCA crosses my other amp's power and ground for an inch or so..

    when I turn the car off after a few minutes of playing, I get an audible discharge sound from my rear seakers.. I think? It's not static but a whine sound kinda? and it's ONLY when I turn it off. My rear RCA's are no where near a ground or power wire.

    That isn't from your RCAs being near your power wire. That sounds like something inside your amp going bad. Switch the front and rear inputs on the amp hooked to the rear speakers and see if the noise still comes out of the rear. That will tell you real quick if it is from the RCAs or not, although like I said that doesn't sound like a problem with RCAs being near a power wire.

    When I posted this last night I didn't have my fronts hooked up, I just finished them a few minutes ago and the three or four times I ran the car it hasn't done it yet and all 4 channels/speakers are functioning properly so I'll report back if I get this problem again.

    I also read somewhere it could be the way the amp turns on/off, maybe slower than the headunit, making a bump.. (no clue on this part)

    But thanks to everyone who replied and gave some insight on the RCA's and anything else.

    So nice to have his, lows, and mids amp'd. I'm in love. :)

  6. I run them down each side of the car, but my subs RCA crosses my other amp's power and ground for an inch or so..

    when I turn the car off after a few minutes of playing, I get an audible discharge sound from my rear seakers.. I think? It's not static but a whine sound kinda? and it's ONLY when I turn it off. My rear RCA's are no where near a ground or power wire.

  7. I have several questions on this subject because I put in a 2nd amp and it's a 4 channel this time, which means 2 more RCA's and one more power & ground.

    1. They say to run them away from each other or you may get interference soo.. what does this interference sound like, what to look for?

    2. The twisted cables are suppose to prevent this to an extent, right? And what kind of power would a power wire need to being pushing to interfere heavily?

    3. Are there and coatings you could use where they cross or should I just toughen up and re-wire the set-up?

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