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Posts posted by BBass

  1. Why in the world would u want 1000x2 at 4ohm? Makes no sense to me

    if it does that at 4 ohms that means the amp can handle like 4 or 5k at 1 ohm.....

    Let's me run my subs on good power at 4 ohms, or lets me wire them to 1 ohm to burp.....

    also, if its doing that power at 4 ohms then its gonna stay cold, and definitely not even get warm....

  2. I am looking for an amp that does 1000w @ 1ohm RATED, dont wanna overfeed my babies.....

    dont want to spend a fortune, and want one that runs cool, it's going under a seat so if it gets hot then there'll be a huge fire hazard.....

    with that said, please tell me what would meet my application :D

    I don't care if its oldschool, if it does what is requested then please let me know about it :)

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