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Posts posted by rizzy71

  1. yoo, this is what i do when I'm not bumping:)

    not anything speshial it was just a little ride for the new camera cus i wanted to try it in imovie:)

    comment please.

    thats pretty bad ass. i tried doing that for a while but couldnt get the hang of it.

  2. i was going to use magnetic force to float it . LOL

    was actually thinking of using bolts to center it and hold it in place.

    We accualy did something like that in Physics class with resonance tubes (open and closed) to see what different frequencys sounded like. and that kind of stuff.

  3. ive been pondering something about round tube also. I been thinking of putin a tube inside a larger tube and using the open area as a port. i added a pic its not the greatest but you will get the point.


    so the sub and tube it is connected to are going to float in there? or are they suspended by something

    lol im just playin man

  4. sunday morning a friend had to move my car because i had his truck parked in and when he swung the front end around in snagged on a 6x6 around the driveway and tore off the right side of my bumper and driving home it fell off ran over the piece so it shattered in the road. then the other part of it started to fall off yesterday so i had to take it all off. its costing me about $700 for the parts and paint.






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