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Posts posted by rizzy71

  1. there is only so big that you can go before it turns completely to shit especially if its from a cell phone

    and i want the other :3 seconds missing from your avatar to be there lol

    I didn't think there was really a way to do it, just wanted to check. Saw a guy with a dead giraffe in the bed of his truck the other day and wanted to be able to post it up on here.

    Here is the rest of that vid


  2. I need to find out what these head lights are for, the box just says 2001 Volvo on it and has the part number. I have tried searching for them under the part number and for Volvo semi heal lamps but can't find which ones they fit on. Story of how I got them. There is a Dr. who owns storage units that are close to my house and after people do not pay their rent he warns them to pay or come clean it out or he will have everything thrown out for them. He gives people 6 months to take care of it and if they don't he calls me to clean them out. I get to keep what ever I want out of them so I take everything I can for scrap metal, or what I can take and sell or keep for myself. I don't like steeling, but after the people are told every week for 6 months to take care of their stuff then it doesn't bother me.

    I need to know which Volvo semis they fit for, or somewhere that I can look it up by the part number.

    There were two brand new Volvo semi headlamps in the box.

    Part # VO 8082040







    Thanks for any help.

  3. You already have 4-18s and amps, but are trying to save up for batteries, alts, wire, and building materials, but you want to spend $1000 for something else that is going to set you back from being able to do your build? I would start the build with what you have and save up for the rest.

  4. All depends on what you like. Personally I like Cummins the most. I have driven Cummins, Duramax, and Powerstroke, pulled trailers, plowed snow, drove the shit out of all three, and worked on all three. Cummins just was a little better with pulling the big trailers full of stuff and got better fuel mileage. I know a lot of people who are farmers, snow plow, haul stuff, and compete in truck pulls, they all have different opinions about which diesel is better or the best, but it really has a lot to do with preference, what you would use it for, and what kind of upgrades you add on.

  5. More Man Rules

    1. Don't call, ever.

    2. Name your penis. Be sure it is something narcissistic and unoriginal, like "Spike."

    3. Play with yourself. Talk about it.

    4. You are a man. Remember, no matter what, it isn't your fault.

    5. Lie.

    6. Never ask for help. Even if you really need it, don't ask. People will think you have no penis.

    7. Women like it when you ignore them. It arouses them.

    8. If, God forbid, you have to talk to a girl on the phone, use only monosyllabic words and noises. Bodily noises are permissible.

    9. Lie.

    10. Everyone finds a man more attractive if he can write his name in urine.

    11. Say things like "Wha. . . ?"

    12. Deny everything. Everything.

    13. Don't have a clue.

    14. If you don't get sex whenever you want, your balls will shrivel. Enforce this rule at all times.

    15. Tell this to your girl before you have sex, "Don't worry. If you don't have an orgasm, you won't get pregnant."

    16. Life is one big competition. If someone is better than you at anything, either pretend it's not true or kick some ass.

    17. Lie.

    18. Do NOT make decisions about relationships. If you are backed into a corner and must make a decision, stall. If you still must come up with an answer, leave yourself a loophole for escape. For example: Question: "Honey, will you take me out for a romantic dinner?" Answer: "Yes, if you can guess how many sperm I produce daily."

    19. At any given opportunity, point out how things look like genitalia.

    20. Play with your food only if you are in a public place with people you don't know.

    21. Play with your penis only if you are in a public place with people you don't know.

    22. You are NOT a virgin, ever. Males are born without virginity.

    23. Females do not care what you do to them as long as they get to please you.

    24. Basic fundamental rule of dating: Quantity, not quality.

    25. Basic fundamental rule of sex: Quantity IS quality.

    26. Lie.

    27. Crying is not manly. Then again, if you are a man, what do you have to cry about anyway?

    28. Women are your napkins. Use them and then throw them away.

    29. Remember, every virgin girl is saving herself for YOU.

    30. If your women makes you go shopping with her, drive around until a parking spot right near the door opens up. If this takes hours, so be it. You will have the coveted "Door Spot" and others will worship you.

    31. If you're on a date and there is a lull in the conversation, tell the girl how many dorms you have been laid in.

    32. When you tell a girl about your past, it's good to say, "God, I was such a pimp back then."

    33. Here's a good trick. Tell a girl that you're going to leave and when you come back you want her naked and sprawled out on the bed. Leave and go into her dad's room and tell him he should go check on his daughter. Then drive like hell.

    34. The best sex position is you, lying face up. . . and twenty girls on top.

    35. Practice your blank stare.

    36. If you're ever forced to show emotion, just pick a random emotion, like rage, lust and insanity, and display them at random, inconvenient times. You won't be asked to do it again.

    37. If you are asked to do something you REALLY don't want to do, first try your manly best to get out of it. If that doesn't work, go ahead and do what you were asked to do, but complain that you don't know howto do it and continuously ask questions on how to do each little part. If no one rushes in to do it for you yet, finish the job in the most half-assed way you possibly can and then say "See???? I told you I couldn't do it." Eventually people will stop asking you to do things.

    38. Do not listen to "pussy music" like Color Me Badd or the oldies.

    39. Scratch your balls. See if you can embarrass people.

    40. Lie.

  6. What is up with the CF on the Chevy Z71 truck? Looks stupid IMO. Why would you have a tailgate you can't stand on? Kinda worthless if you ask me. I prefer the Ford Raptor. :)

    I don't dig the Caddy coupe designs either... deff love the Super Duties and the Dodge 5500 truck.

    I really am not sure about this, but I remember seeing it somewhere, that if done right carbon fiber can be just as strong as metal, or close to. I don't know if the hole tailgate is CF or if it's metal just finished with CF for looks. It actually looks a lot better in person than it does in the pics, atleast I think so. The Ford Raptors are pretty sweet looking too, Idk what happened to my pics of them though, there is a few of the pics I took that are gone off my camera.

  7. Thanks, man! Nice pics.

    The Dewalt truck was nice as well as that green Verde coupe. What was that, some kind of hybrid?

    Buick is really stepping up it's styling game, right? I have always believed that sheet metal sells cars. That will be a hot one!

    The Revenge Verde is a hybrid, but you can get it with GM powertrain (638hp) or Ford powertrain (605hp). There was a guy standing there talking about it and said it's supposed to get up to 100mpg, but I dont get how you can have that much power and be able to have that kind of fuel milage, or even close to it. Bad ass looking car though.

    Ford had some special trucks that they made using the King Ranch like that Dewalt truck. It was cool how it had that electric hoist in the bed of it.

    I really liked the Buicks too, but it was almost like they're trying to be Cadillac with the newer cars.

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