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Posts posted by MonkeyDog

  1. Wouldn't say it's bad, it's not the purists way but then neither is drinking it neat as a shot or sticking it in a glass with Tabasco sauce :lol:

    Way I look at it is this- it's something that I only really drink when I'm sat having a laugh with mates, fire is always a lot more fun than water, and as it's being drunk for fun then fire wins :P

    If I want something to sit back and enjoy I'll stick with Pastis (with just cold water, no sugar obviously) much nicer for a laid-back drink to chill out with IMHO.

  2. you know what. funny someone posted this. iu was at a party at someones house last weekend they had like 4 different bottles of this shit. someone told me to halluisnate on it you need to heat sugar up in a spoon and pour it in. sounded like a tweakers drink to me . think ill pass.

    The best way IMO drink it eastern european style with a sugar cube, an absinth spoon (below) and a match/lighter.


    It's perforated to allow melted/caramelised sugar to drop though (although mine has a squarer, flatter head almost like a really small fish slice with slightly folded up edges, came free with a bottle of decent stuff my brother brought back from Andorra once...)

    Basically you dip the sugar in the absinthe, rest the spoon over the lip of the glass with the soaked cube on top, pour a little absinthe over the spoon , and light the cube for a minute or so, so that the sugar melts/burns and drips through the spoon into the drink. Dip the still burning soon into the drink when it's done to set it alight. Then drip some Ice cold water in it so it becomes opauqe, normally it'll stop burning then but if it doesn't you can wet your palm and snuff it out like a candle (VERY quickly, it burns like a motherfucker otherwise)

    It's not the traditional way to drink it, but it does make you look hard as fuck, purists/old school drinkers will try and tell you to skip the fire and just drip the iced water over the spoon/cube to sweeten it and make it change colour at once, but everyone knows fire is more fun than ice water :lol:

    Good quality absinthe made traditionally does have hallucinogenic properties in some cases, which is why it was banned over here for ages, cheaper stuff generally isn't made in the same way and contains negligable amounts of the active ingredients.

    Other thing you can do is take a double measure of Jagermeister, a shot of absinthe and a spoonful of Tabasco sauce, get it in the glass right and it'll form layers, sink the lot in one go as a shooter, me and three of my mates thought this 5-6 times each would be a good idea for new years a few years ago, needless to say I didn't make it to work on New years day :lol:

  3. Snake bite has woodchuck beer on the bottom and guinness on the top. Its like a half of each.

    Snakebite is half Cider and half Lager, heathen!

    Guinness is the shit though it has to be said, and it tastes wildy different from a tap in Ireland :wub: than it does in the UK.

    Not sure if it's the best beverage ever, but it's certainly amongst my favourite pints :lol:

  4. I've only EVER seen ghetto installing that can match this once, and that was an amp wired to the back of the HU power loom, nothing soldered or crimped, they'd used twin 16awg speaker wire for power and earth (taped, unfused to the back of the HU :wacko: ) and run down the car, they also had a bit of twin and earth domestic flex with two of the wires taped toghether and being used for the remote.

    Apparently it was OK because his brother did it and has been doing stuff like this for years :unsure: I gave him the bollocking of bollockings and explained to him everything that was wrong, to which he said he'd take it to his brother to sort out :lol:

    FWIW he came into the store because the tape had peeled back on one of the splices he'd made, and shorted out, killing his HU, he never came back to the store, but how his car wasn't on fire was beyond me.

  5. My old boss had a Phantom, Bloody brilliant thing it was (mind you he also owned a whole load of castles and country house hotels over here, four helicopters and countless other cars, the 100EX concept was exhibited at one of them for some reason :)

    Having been lucky enough to have a poke around his saloon, I love them, the coupe would just be art if it wasn't for the spangly light up headlining, and imo the DHC is just :wub:

    One day I'll have plenty cash for things like that :lol:

  6. as i said before

    4 18" level 5s in a 6th order blow through

    2 kicker warhorses, each on 2 subs

    Get's my vote, would be pretty mad, 2 subs on each side, keep everything as far back in the bed as possible so it loads like a tunnel, should play flat and loud down to whale-song frequencies if done right, plus it'd look simple and clean, leaving the BASS to draw the crowds :wub::)

  7. Honestly I'm no good with relationship advice, I've found the girl I want to spend my life with and would go pretty much anywhere for her :wub:

    BUT from what you've said might be a situation to get out of, you've said she offered to pay for your subs if you stayed with her, She shouldn't have to do that mate if she was convinced you were sound and there wasn't a possible reason for you want to leave her. Sorry but it screams to me somethings up that she thinks your relationship is going in a direction that she needs to bribe you with money/material things. Doesn't mean she's going to dissapear for weeks on end whilst going fully airtight with three sailors every night though just because she offered to pay for something, but there might be something else up.

    she was also kindof naive to sign up like that without asking around to find out what it's really like, I'd not want to commit to joining any service untill I knew the whole story.

    I'd talk to her, tell her exactly what your feeling and what your concerned about, let her know you're not wanting to just drop everything and move and you weren't expecting to have to.

    If she's worth sticking with she'll understand and hopefully you can sort it out.

  8. Have to admit there probably was a more subtle way of going about it.

    Thing is things weren't going too good for her. I personally hate drugs but everyone has their vices, I just think it's a shame when talented people waste their lives abusing themselves and substances when really they should be living good enough to not get messed up :(

    The videos a bit old too so there's nothing to say she's not still firmly on the wagon now after another spell in rehab and sorting out some of the people around her (the most recent stay followed the videos of her smoking crack emerged)

    I like her work though, it's a shame that being fucked up seems just as much a part of her appeal as her music as it doesn't really need to be that way.:(

    It was always kindof tragic really

    hopes she stays clean this time :)

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