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Posts posted by Nikitaaa

  1. Think of it this way bud; if you bought something at Walmart for example, and it was defective, you wouldn't ask Walmart to reimburse you for the gas it took to drive back and return the item.

    Although, I have had a company reimburse me for return shipping in the past, there was NO obligation for them to do so, and there shouldn't be. It's your responsibility.

  2. Love this game. It'll always hold a special place in my heart. I've played for the last 7 years. Since I was 11. The new content isn't nearly as good or rewarding.

    There wasn't a more fun time than getting with your 300+ man guild and scheduling 40 man raids that took 20+ hours played time to clear. With 20 minute long boss fights, that shit was the bomb yo.

    I play off n on, nowadays. Whenever I play again I'll add you.

    I was just gonna say, I've played off and on for almost five years. it will always be the bomb. I thought wrath was great. Cata; not so much.

    It's just nostalgic looking back in the day when it would take FOREVER to level, now it's a ducking cakewalk. Same goes for raiding end content.

  3. I still remember the rumor that was going around a while back that you were closing up shop to open your own restaurant. I know it never happened "you getting out of car audio that is" but kind of ironic that you are doing a car amp test vid and it appears that the cooking channel is playing in the background. 1:17 into the vid


    never heard of THAT rumor yet LOL :D

    oh and i am one of the picky-est eaters you will find, but for some reason, that show Bizarre Foods is one of my favorites. When it comes to food, I would never survive outside of the USA, i know that for a fact. :D

    I remember that too, it was like a fake newspaper add or something like that. Got everyone all riled up!
  4. Soo what about that paint thats on the new baskets? Say fuck it and glue over it? Lol....

    I've noticed that most manufacturers don't take the time to do it on their subs when they build them..

    Makes me wonder..

    Because the come from china... Thats to much work to do, my SSDs you cam see that they cleaned them, same with my btls, sp4 and other Fi/aa subs ive seen.

    You need a rough surface for the glue to attach too. The older alpine type Rs always had surrounds comming off the basket if for whatever reason a screw head got under the surround

    I'm in no way disagreeing. Just something I've noticed over the years.
  5. the sa 10s needs 1 cube to 1.25 cubes. i would range my tuning from 32 to 35 which ever you prefer. but the 32 hz would prob sound the best in my opinion. i have 2 e10 subs in a box tuned to 34 hz and they sound really good but still think 32 makes most of the high bass sound better. i have the cut sheet for my box if your interested. everything is about the same for the e10s and sa10s for box volume.

    Tuning lower won't make the "high bass" sound better.
  6. I thought the point of locking a comparison thread was because all you would get is opinions?

    It doesn't seem like there is any opinions in the video, just numbers.

    Yes I agree that the content of the video was expressed unprofessionally but isn't the purpose of this device to compare numbers?

    Come on dude. Kevin compared his shit straight up to Sundown. That's called a comparison.

    Rules is rules.

    I getcha Ken, I guess I just am not understanding the rules then.

    I agree 100% the results were skewed. I'm not questioning that.

    It just seems like in the future, it would be a shame not to let clamp comparisons be posted with the AD-1 because yes, It's vs, but It's actually informative if you know what I mean.

  7. People run a hell of a lot more on what your current set up is. Get what you want and watch your voltage after. I wouldn't add any more wires or alt's. If your voltage drops more than you like then just add 1 battery in the rear at a time till it doesn't anymore.

    I am running 7900+ (according to birth sheets alone, so up for debate) RMS watts from 1 - 370 alt, 2 runs OFC 1/0 gauge, and 3 aftermarket batteries (2 under hood and 1 in back). If i don't like my voltage i simply plan on adding more batteries to the rear..

    EDIT: I should add that my sub amps are at 2 ohms and highs/mids amp at 1 ohm.

    Exactly. Try it out and see what your voltage is! If you're unsatisfied you can always add alts/ batteries
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