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Status Updates posted by JamesMauricio

  1. I haven't drank an ounce of soda, watched a minute of television, used a microwave, or ate any franchise food in over 2 weeks. Who does that!? Wonder if I'm benefiting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Purplehaze


      Why not use a microwave....

    3. Purplehaze


      And obviously your still using the internet, so why not watch a lil tv too?

    4. Purplehaze


      And wait, is pop bad for us? Man I'm glad I ONLY drink Mt Dew, since it's just dew collected from a mountain...

      Lol jk :)

      LOL ! - He said "Fucking tree huggers" That's funny shit ha ha

  2. Waking up to the savory aroma of skunk fondu

  3. Tax Farm? Human Livestock?

  4. I guess, I just love English class. Where did this gab session start? 9 ladys 3 guys

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